Search results

  1. Matrix

    Emulators and roms.

    what i find completely rediculous is the fact they are illegal when the companies don't even make the game anymore so where are people soppost to get the games? off e-bay? I mean if the companies still manufactured a very low amount of these games i could understand it being illegal but if...
  2. Matrix

    Banning Violent Video Games?

    lmao i was wondering wtf are they babbling about , did they even see the so called article?
  3. Matrix

    Who all is upgrading for HL2?

    i have right now 2.40 500 fsb 512 ddr ram geforce 4 ti4200 once hl2 is out , because i dont want to waste any money especially on my salary. i will upgrade to: 3.4 ghz - 3.6 (in about a year when the price has dropped to 100-200$ can) 9800 pro 256 mb asus when the price drops...
  4. Matrix

    We're back.

    wow that kicks ass! Valve was really helping out , so imagine how cool they will b e when hl2 is released , thats awesome and im glad is back up!
  5. Matrix

    My Web Site, Forum, And Movie

    thanks! right now im working on a sequel and working on a bigger movie project. stay tuned :)
  6. Matrix

    My Web Site, Forum, And Movie

    bump* sorry for dbl posting. this got pushed down
  7. Matrix

    My Web Site, Forum, And Movie

    Hey everyone just thought id let you all know i starteda knew forum at and my web site is located at and my movie is located at check it out and tell me what you...
  8. Matrix

    I need the assistance of the community

    i know it will be out eventully it just pisses me off because the game was delayed so close to the date but i got over it, but now this, and now if its bad as we all think it could mean even more then a year of it being delayed, what if it got leaked some more? oh man id hate to hear half life 2...
  9. Matrix

    I need the assistance of the community

    Hmm don't get me wrong but nowadays we do not knowwtf is going on, all of a sudden a hacker leaked the game after the delay? i aint saying Gabe's lying but there is the possiblity, but i mean im hoping it was a lie because its worse if a bunch of 15 year olds with no lives are making cheats, i...
  10. Matrix

    Release date 2037?

    ya better go buy those ati nucleon x2100s! with NEW 2024 QDR RAM! (quadruple Data Ram ) lol
  11. Matrix

    The Delay - DId Anyone Really Make It Official?

    well months i heard about it in april and forgot about it for a month then started waiting again lol
  12. Matrix

    Post The Retailers Dates! november 14, wtf are these retailers getting their shit from? i wanna call vivendi!
  13. Matrix

    If half life 2 is delayed again, ill be pissed

    its not the delay that bothers me its the thought of them delaying it morethen once that makes me kinda feel pissed cuz i know theyd do that.
  14. Matrix

    Post The Retailers Dates!

    A little game i just made up now call as many stores as you can that sell pc games and ask them when they will get half life 2 for now i got Eb Games # 1 - October 17 Eb Games #2 - dumbass's phones messed Futureshop - ****in number unlisted wal mart - they dunt know * what a shock *
  15. Matrix

    Redemption is Near

    ahah i find these threads funny , but im starting to believe it is delayed :(. damnit i hope we get some lucky shit happen and it goes out on the 30th.
  16. Matrix

    Release date 2037?

    hahah the ghz should be 9.04 Terahearts
  17. Matrix

    If half life 2 is delayed again, ill be pissed

    Self -Explanitory - if valve sets a date for HL 2 and delays it again like a year im gonna be ****ing pissed, i aint kidding its bad enough they delayed the game before a damn week, it better be delayed only like 5 days because i booked the friggen day off work for it and now its now gonna hit...
  18. Matrix

    The Delay - DId Anyone Really Make It Official?

    it just sucks tho, we all have seen the preview vids and we are like omg this games gonna be then ext huge thing, i waited weeks and i was like NEXT week its out, and they delay it a ****in week right before the release wtf is that bs, they shouldn't do that but they did it on purpos because its...
  19. Matrix

    The Delay - DId Anyone Really Make It Official?

    sopposly doug lombardi sent e-mails saying half life went gold but it was proved to be a good fake, for all we know some of these e-mails could be fake, and for the tech tv for all we knowthey could be getting their shources from but thats not the official source, ill believe the...
  20. Matrix

    The Delay - DId Anyone Really Make It Official?

    Well im in a hurry so ill make this quick. Ok it seems odd that doub lombardi would send e-mails out telling ust he games delayed, i find this farfectched, not only that FORBES that site that told us vivendi announced the delay gave us no sources, so who do we believe Gabe or these " news "...