Hmm... Thursday... They are ok, but they have my eternal respect when their singer went on a rant about how corrupt the recording industry is and he told everyone to download all of their songs if they want cause art should be free and not controlled by large corporations who don't accept...
lol, well r5a, start listing off this mythical "better" music, cause you know everyones tastes are different so as soon as you find some music that everyone likes you'll be rich. Until then you can shut up and not insult other people's tastes.
And to remain on topic, yeah SoaD are cool.
Myself and 2 of my friends were at a rope swing on the property of one of the friends and they bet me $10 each that I wouldn't swing on it naked. Needless to say, I did it.
While I was swinging the two of them promptly took my clothes. I only got $10.
Kinda suprised nobody has mentioned this. Naruto. I've just started watching it and I've only seen 15 episodes so far. From what I've seen of it its quite a fun series to watch. Its got humor in it, its got action, its got depth and its got pretty decent animation. From what I've seen of it so...