I had all the other previous videos done, But they got deleted. I still have them on my hardrive and im working with Munro to get them up on HL2.net's server. Once he does that you can get all (as of right now) 5 videos from Hl2.net.
Sorry for the delay, The bandwith has been restored as of August 1st. Its 1:29AM here so dont be too harsh on me. Plus im on vacation at a friends in New York! Traptown is quite large for the 56k release but its because of all the motion and because its quite long. I expect to be getting mirrors...
Hey hey! Sorry guys, IM on vacation but Ill be getting both files out within the hour. Expect a Dual release and thanks to Munro, Ill be using my bandwith this time cause I dont think hes up right now (1:23AM).
What can I say, Excellent. I love the pistols shooting sounds. Graphics look top notch. Expect the 56k version on August 1st (When my hosts bandwith gets restored).
Personally I think its a blessing in disguise. It will give those of us time to buy the new october video cards that are being released :cheers: Someone over at the steam forums posted an email with Gabe asking if it was true and his response was "First time I've heard of this." But who knows.
I wasnt trying to prove anything, Just simply stating my experience and showing that the 44.03 have IQ issues. Sorry you take offense when someone posts what frames per second they get but hey if you want to go and compare your system to mine, when you dont even list your spec's and try to say...
Yeah uhh..Sorry, The host's bandwith died very fast after I posted this. Gonna have to wait til the begining of the month. You guys took all 15 gigs of bandwith :\
Got a Gainward 5900U golden sample and I couldnt be happier. If your this stressed out between picking cards why cant you wait until Valve released a benchmark program for HL2's source engine, then decide what card to pick when people post results?
Well it looks like you were right, I had drivers mixed in with others. Heres my new bench with a clean driver http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1075195 . 1000 point increase! I must thank you man, Without you I would have gone around with these messed up drivers for a while :cheers...
Yeah, Im thinking it might be a power issue although I have a 400 watt PSU. Im gonna go take this to their forums to see what they think. Thanks for pointing it out. BTW about cheating, check this out lol http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1074604 .
Most likely his hardware was detected wrong, something that is common when you overclock a lot. Also the Core overclock on 5900's in the orb is broken, it displays the default speed no matter what (I think it detects the 2d clock).
Also try expanding my search with this:
Select Pentium 4...
Yeah I know about the 8x thing but I decided to throw that in just for refrence. The fact remains, you have current hardware all around and I do not. I dont think you have any experience with a system like mine. Im running an RDRam board as well.
So far Ive only seen systems with a 100mhz FSB...
Yeah...I dont know why your compaing my system to yours when they both have MAJOR differences.
You have an Nforce 2 board, I have an old 850 board
Your running an athalon underclocked, Im running a P4 1.8 overclocked (its a northwood A)
Your FSB is 50 clocks higher than mine (LOL!)...
Here are some samples to show you guys the quality difference between the 44.03 drivers and the 44.71 drivers. Youll note the placement of shadows.
Some examples:
40.33 Drivers:
40.71 Drivers:
40.33 Drivers:
40.71 Drivers:
You can tell the quality difference easily...
Actually, I got my 5900U last monday and Ive been running my own IQ tests. Seems like the 44.03 have a bug inside them. Its shaders are way off, I tried the 44.71's and the IQ went way up, as well as performance. I also compared the 44.90's and they have no IQ difference with the 44.71's...