there is now virtually no IQ difference between the 5900 and the 9800

Originally posted by crabcakes66
You can qoute from some review are special.

I can spend 5 minutes using google and come up with a list as long as my arm(my arms are pretty ****ing long) that would say one is better than the other.

If you knew that the 5900U was so superior wouldnt be here arguing about it........

:thumbs: everything you have said has been proven wrong by other people 20 times over.

5900U = waste of space in my computer

Wow I Never knew that the 9800 Pro was better than the 5900 U. OH wait IT ISNT. I too Have access to both cards at the computer store i work at. Guess what, I was able to score higher with a slower CPU with the 5900 Than i was with the 9800 Pro on a faster Cpu. OH wait.....You didnt read it on some web site from google so it wont matter to you!!!
Originally posted by darthmayxj
Wow I Never knew that the 9800 Pro was better than the 5900 U. OH wait IT ISNT. I too Have access to both cards at the computer store i work at. Guess what, I was able to score higher with a slower CPU with the 5900 Than i was with the 9800 Pro on a faster Cpu. OH wait.....You didnt read it on some web site from google so it wont matter to you!!!

Post proof of what you're saing, mate. Then we'll talk about it.
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
uhhhh yes, after doing a side by side comparision, then having my results confirmed personally :)

in other posts i have already said the ATI looked slightly better, you must have missed it.

think whatever makes you feel better about yourself! :) as far me taking things personally, i learned a long time ago not to let kids on forums really bother me. my issues is a comparision of the 5900U all you guys seem able to talk about is the 5600, a completely different card and core, that would be like me comparing a TI4600 to a radeon 7500 if you cant factually dispute my claims and the evidence presented by 3 major long establised review sites then i suppose all you have left if hyperbole such as in your last quote wgich many of the moronic minded may find entertaining, but does not really mean much to me.

have a nice day! :D


It's my memory, it comes with the age :rolleyes:

I'm at my best mood today.
I am thinking, even a little to much, but it's not about gfx-cards.
Ignore them because your to good? If you just so good, then kick some ass so you won't here kids whine, that's my method, but your some hard-to-break kid :p
But would you agree that the 5600 is a bad card?
I don't have much..damn..forgot the word..errh..patience? (spelling). I have a specieal way of expression. And you really anoy me, that's why I have..abandond any reasonable argueing with you.

I sure won't and I hope you don't to, because I..dislike you big time.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
You can qoute from some review are special.

I can spend 5 minutes using google and come up with a list as long as my arm(my arms are pretty ****ing long) that would say one is better than the other.

If you knew that the 5900U was so superior wouldnt be here arguing about it........

:thumbs: everything you have said has been proven wrong by other people 20 times over.

5900U = waste of space in my computer

proven wrong by what? comparing a 5600? last time i looked i was talking about a 5900u! so explain to me with at least some amount of logical sustainability why a card with a different core(the 5600) has any bearing on the performance of the 5900U?

can you ATI actually prove yourselves? or just talk smack?
Seem like this discussion is getting more intelligent by every post.
Originally posted by darthmayxj
Wow I Never knew that the 9800 Pro was better than the 5900 U. OH wait IT ISNT. I too Have access to both cards at the computer store i work at. Guess what, I was able to score higher with a slower CPU with the 5900 Than i was with the 9800 Pro on a faster Cpu. OH wait.....You didnt read it on some web site from google so it wont matter to you!!!

are you slow?......we know that the 5900 scores higher on most benchmarks......

i could care less if you work at a computer store bro..... ive seen plenty of idiots work at computer stores(not calling you an idiot)

wow the 5900 gets more FPS in quake 3 old ass game

IMAGE QUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by A.A
Seem like this discussion is getting more intelligent by every post.


Ill be swearing by the time we get to the next page.....dont worry:cheese:
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
proven wrong by what? comparing a 5600? last time i looked i was talking about a 5900u! so explain to me with at least some amount of logical sustainability why a card with a different core(the 5600) has any bearing on the performance of the 5900U?

can you ATI actually prove yourselves? or just talk smack?

you ovbiuosly are blind and didnt see the GIANT ****ING U

next to 5900 in my post

damn i swearing already:eek:
Originally posted by crabcakes66

Ill be swearing by the time we get to the next page.....dont worry:cheese:

Haven't I really added some intellegence to it? :D

Wanna bet something on that this thread get's closed or really freaks out so off topic that whe could imagine it? :p
Originally posted by crabcakes66
you ovbiuosly are blind and didnt see the GIANT ****ING U

next to 5900 in my post

damn i swearing already:eek:

This might be worse then we previously thought! :O

Gotta go, see you tomorrow..or?
Originally posted by A.A

It's my memory, it comes with the age :rolleyes:

I'm at my best mood today.
I am thinking, even a little to much, but it's not about gfx-cards.
Ignore them because your to good? If you just so good, then kick some ass so you won't here kids whine, that's my method, but your some hard-to-break kid :p
But would you agree that the 5600 is a bad card?
I don't have much..damn..forgot the word..errh..patience? (spelling). I have a specieal way of expression. And you really anoy me, that's why I have..abandond any reasonable argueing with you.

I sure won't and I hope you don't to, because I..dislike you big time. [/B][/QUOTE]

i am in a great mood myself! as far as the 5600 being a "bad" card i can honestly say i would noy buy it!! but let me again remind you the 5600 is not the subject, the 5900u is ;)

it is too bad you have decided you dislike me and i annoy you, i do not really dislike you since i do not really know you i find you more entertaining than annoying though :D
Well, I'm going to post my little article wether you like it or not:


First of all, let me start by saying that I am NOT a fanboy of either company; I'm a hardware enthusiast.

Let's start with the most "important" question:
Which card is the better one?

Now, what is the definition of "the best card". Is it the card that gets a few more fps in a game than another card, or is the cheapest high-end card on the market? Is it the overall performance, perhaps? Well, in my opinion, it's the overall performance.

There is no "proof" that either one is better (9800pro and GFX5900U). There are many reviews out there, and I'm sure you've read alot of them (or perhaps not?). Many reviews has come to many different conclusions, but they've also come to different results in benchmarks, games and the like.

These two reviews/comparisons show that the 9800pro is better than the GFX5900U:

Review 1

Review 2

These two, though, show that the FX5900 is better than the 9800pro:

Review 3

Review 4

When deciding which graphics card you want to buy, you'll obviously read a number of reviews to get the picture of which is the better one. Today, it's much harder to get the "right" picture because of the fact that both ATI and Nvidia have been known to cheat (some said, or still says, that Nvidia "crimes" were worse, though that comes to a matter of opinion) in benchmarks by optimizing their drivers. While doing a little review of them both my self (9800pro vs. FX5900U), I came upon something intresting. I had come to the point when I would run 3d mark 2003. First, I ran the benchmark on both cards, and I could see that the FX5900U had a small, though very noticeable lead over the radeon card. What I did then, was to change the name of the .exe file from 3dmark03.exe to whatever.exe. To my slight surprise, the 9800pro now came on top of the 5900U. The 9800pro also droped on percent, though that wasn't as much as the nvidia card lost in points. By this I'm not saying that the 9800pro is better than the FX5900U, or vice versa, though it's just one example of the cheatings we've been hearing so much about lately.

One thing every reviewer seems to agree on is that the 9800pro has better image quality than the FX5900U. Do you know how they came to this conclusion? They took a screenshot of a game (most commonly UT2003), studied it for several minutes, then came to the conclusion that the radeon had slightly better image quality. Well, let me tell you something, you will *not* notice any differance when playing games.

One thing that I can tell you, though, is that the radeon card has a slight performace lead when it comes to FSAA (FullScreenAntiAnialising) and AF (AnisotropicFiltering), though the difference's hardly "good enough" to make you buy a 9800pro instead of a GFX5900U.

I noticed that the 9800pro was a better overclocker. It could go from 380/340(680 effective) to 470/370(740 effective) with the standard cooling. The FX card came up to 480/880 from 450/850. Both ran 100% stable after the overclockings, and they ran with the standard cooling system that came with the card. Though I must remind you all that this has more to do with which 9800pro/5900U card you buy, not the chipset itself. The cards I had was Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9800pro and Gaindows GeforceFX 5900 Ultra. Now the Sapphire card is known to very overclocker friendly in comparison to, for an example, the Hercules version of the card. Sometimes you will notice very large differences of how much you can overclock the cards. I'm sure that many people have 5900U cards that will overclock quite alot more than my Gainward.

Now, back to the benchmarks. I wanted to get a good view of how well the cards would perform, so I ran quite alot of games and benchmarks to test them. I'll list some of them:

*Half-Life: CS -
*Splinter Cell
*Serious Sam: the second encounter*
*Jedi knight 2: Jedi outcast*
*Anarcy Online
*Max Payne
*3d mark 2001SE -
*3d mark 2003

Well, I actually ended up listing all of them. As you can probably see, this was *very* time consuming. As you may've noticed, I've put a little star "*" after a few of them. The 5900U were the winner in the games/benchmarks that have a "*" after them.
Something to note was that the 9800pro performed horribly with FSAA turned on in NWN. I've heard that NWN is nvidia optimized, though this is something I cannot confirm. It should be noted, though, that no card ever had any real "über power performance lead". I've put a "-" after the 3d mark 2001SE. It was so f***ing
close that I just couldn't put ATI as the winner in (there was a 12 point difference). I got 20087 with the 9800pro (processor and graphics card overclocked) and 20075 with the FX5900U. They was a 54 point difference when they weren't overclocked (in favor the 5900U), though that still wasn't enough to put on of 'em as a winner.

Moving on to driver stability. I've heard alot from both "sides" that the ATI/Nvidia drivers are more stable/unstable. Now, it is true that the FX5800U could fry up with some older version of the detonator drivers, becuase the fan would turn off when running 3d screensavers. That problem, however, really didn't cause as much damage as some sites made it look. Oh, and if you wonder, that problem doesn't exist anymore. The latest detonator drivers (currently 44.03) and the latest catalyst drivers (currently 3.6) are both rock solid. I havn't any problems what so ever with any of them.

Conclusion: No card is the real winner here. They're so very close in performance. IF you're a fanboy, go with the card that your company has developed. :) If you're just intrested in getting the best card, get the cheapest one. When I did the review, the 5900U was more expensive, though as far as I know, the price differences are close to nothing. The 9800pro is a little better than the 5900U when you turn on FSAA and FA, but the 5900U, on the other hand, has a slight lead in games that requires more from the speed of the card (Q3, for an example).
I'm sitting on a 9800pro myself, but that's because I could get it extra cheap; I found an offer on a site that had got too many cards, and was selling them for 350 dollars (keep in mind that this was last month). You couldn't go wrong with either one

By the way, I didn't post the results of the games/benchmarks in picture formats. For one, my server hosting them is down, but it would also take alot more time to put them all up (not that this post didn't take along time to write, but still). Though, as I hope you can all see, this is a very fair review with no "fanboyism".
Hope you enjoyed the text as much as I did writing it. ;)

*edit* I forgot to put a "-" after CS, meaning that it was a tie, but I've done that now. :)
that is interesting, in my own comparision between the 2 cards(a 5900U and a 9800pro) i have compared ghost recon, morrowind, ut2003, wheel of time, codecreatures, 3dmark2001 and 2003.

2 things i have been impressed with is the IQ the 5900 has and the great 6x AA performance of the 9800(which i have mentioned before and still get call a"nvidiot" LOL!

the systems i am running them on are nforce2 based in dual channel with a xp2600 and an xp2700, the 5900U is in the 2600 machine...

when all was done the 5900 seemed to me the better card, with the nvidia faster and just as good looking although this thread is not about speed and benchmarks, but IQ on the 5900U which my own personal results and 3 well established credible websites confirm.

since i do not have access to a legitimate copy of the doom3 demo personally, all i have to go by are the results toms and anandtech got, which have the 5900 winning by a considerable margin.

in many things the radeon give the 5900 a run for it's money even beating it in some things, which i have never disputed, but i must say i will purchase the 5900, with the doom3 performance the deciding factor for me plus nvidia's past good performance for me. i am hesitant to plunk down a huge amount of cash for the radeon because one game i play very often (wheel of time) simply will not run on the 9800, plus there seems to be a problem with codecreatures in 1600x1200 while the 5900 had no trouble.

as far as counterstrike goes it maxes out at 100 fps, which is plenty
Originally posted by Shad0hawK

since i do not have access to a legitimate copy of the doom3 demo personally, all i have to go by are the results toms and anandtech got, which have the 5900 winning by a considerable margin.

in many things the radeon give the 5900 a run for it's money even beating it in some things, which i have never disputed, but i must say i will purchase the 5900, with the doom3 performance the deciding factor for me, plus nvidia's past good performance for me.

NOBODY has access to a legitimate copy of the doom3 demo. When toms, anand and hardocp did the demo they had a couple nvidia reps standing by to take the demo and card away when they were finished, seems odd that they would do that no?
Look, I'm not an outrageously stupid fanboy like you are Shad0hawK, but I would like to point out another reason ATI is stomping nVidia right now (besides that nVidia cards have NO CHANCE of working with HL2 with AA on):
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
It's my memory, it comes with the age :rolleyes:

I'm at my best mood today.
I am thinking, even a little to much, but it's not about gfx-cards.
Ignore them because your to good? If you just so good, then kick some ass so you won't here kids whine, that's my method, but your some hard-to-break kid :p
But would you agree that the 5600 is a bad card?
I don't have much..damn..forgot the word..errh..patience? (spelling). I have a specieal way of expression. And you really anoy me, that's why I have..abandond any reasonable argueing with you.

I sure won't and I hope you don't to, because I..dislike you big time.

the really sad thing here not a little kid.:dozey:
Well, I cant really tell, since there is a limited number (of rather dark) images at the [T]ardOCPs 5900 review, but here's a few:
The floor looks VERY blurry by the crosshair... Same tendancy as the 5600?
Again, the floor gets VERY blurry at relativly close range. Same tendancy as the 5600?
Here on the other hand it looks relativly good, even at range.

Seems inconsistent.

Oh, and on one of them ( I can actually see mipmap banding, meaning it isnt trilinear.

Little edit 2: "[H]arder Than Trilinear Filtering on GFFX" So THATs why they are slacker than a willy on ice? :D
Originally posted by reever2
NOBODY has access to a legitimate copy of the doom3 demo. When toms, anand and hardocp did the demo they had a couple nvidia reps standing by to take the demo and card away when they were finished, seems odd that they would do that no?

im not sure if a rep did that or not, but even so it is not really odd. the point remains that they did have the demo long enough to publish the results.
Originally posted by theHATRED
Well, I'm going to post my little article wether you like it or not:


First of all, let me start by saying that I am NOT a fanboy of either company; I'm a hardware enthusiast.

Let's start with the most "important" question:
Which card is the better one?

Now, what is the definition of "the best card". Is it the card that gets a few more fps in a game than another card, or is the cheapest high-end card on the market? Is it the overall performance, perhaps? Well, in my opinion, it's the overall performance.

There is no "proof" that either one is better (9800pro and GFX5900U). There are many reviews out there, and I'm sure you've read alot of them (or perhaps not?). Many reviews has come to many different conclusions, but they've also come to different results in benchmarks, games and the like.

These two reviews/comparisons show that the 9800pro is better than the GFX5900U:

Review 1

Review 2

These two, though, show that the FX5900 is better than the 9800pro:

Review 3

Review 4

When deciding which graphics card you want to buy, you'll obviously read a number of reviews to get the picture of which is the better one. Today, it's much harder to get the "right" picture because of the fact that both ATI and Nvidia have been known to cheat (some said, or still says, that Nvidia "crimes" were worse, though that comes to a matter of opinion) in benchmarks by optimizing their drivers. While doing a little review of them both my self (9800pro vs. FX5900U), I came upon something intresting. I had come to the point when I would run 3d mark 2003. First, I ran the benchmark on both cards, and I could see that the FX5900U had a small, though very noticeable lead over the radeon card. What I did then, was to change the name of the .exe file from 3dmark03.exe to whatever.exe. To my slight surprise, the 9800pro now came on top of the 5900U. The 9800pro also droped on percent, though that wasn't as much as the nvidia card lost in points. By this I'm not saying that the 9800pro is better than the FX5900U, or vice versa, though it's just one example of the cheatings we've been hearing so much about lately.

One thing every reviewer seems to agree on is that the 9800pro has better image quality than the FX5900U. Do you know how they came to this conclusion? They took a screenshot of a game (most commonly UT2003), studied it for several minutes, then came to the conclusion that the radeon had slightly better image quality. Well, let me tell you something, you will *not* notice any differance when playing games.

One thing that I can tell you, though, is that the radeon card has a slight performace lead when it comes to FSAA (FullScreenAntiAnialising) and AF (AnisotropicFiltering), though the difference's hardly "good enough" to make you buy a 9800pro instead of a GFX5900U.

I noticed that the 9800pro was a better overclocker. It could go from 380/340(680 effective) to 470/370(740 effective) with the standard cooling. The FX card came up to 480/880 from 450/850. Both ran 100% stable after the overclockings, and they ran with the standard cooling system that came with the card. Though I must remind you all that this has more to do with which 9800pro/5900U card you buy, not the chipset itself. The cards I had was Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9800pro and Gaindows GeforceFX 5900 Ultra. Now the Sapphire card is known to very overclocker friendly in comparison to, for an example, the Hercules version of the card. Sometimes you will notice very large differences of how much you can overclock the cards. I'm sure that many people have 5900U cards that will overclock quite alot more than my Gainward.

Now, back to the benchmarks. I wanted to get a good view of how well the cards would perform, so I ran quite alot of games and benchmarks to test them. I'll list some of them:

*Half-Life: CS -
*Splinter Cell
*Serious Sam: the second encounter*
*Jedi knight 2: Jedi outcast*
*Anarcy Online
*Max Payne
*3d mark 2001SE -
*3d mark 2003

Well, I actually ended up listing all of them. As you can probably see, this was *very* time consuming. As you may've noticed, I've put a little star "*" after a few of them. The 5900U were the winner in the games/benchmarks that have a "*" after them.
Something to note was that the 9800pro performed horribly with FSAA turned on in NWN. I've heard that NWN is nvidia optimized, though this is something I cannot confirm. It should be noted, though, that no card ever had any real "über power performance lead". I've put a "-" after the 3d mark 2001SE. It was so f***ing
close that I just couldn't put ATI as the winner in (there was a 12 point difference). I got 20087 with the 9800pro (processor and graphics card overclocked) and 20075 with the FX5900U. They was a 54 point difference when they weren't overclocked (in favor the 5900U), though that still wasn't enough to put on of 'em as a winner.

Moving on to driver stability. I've heard alot from both "sides" that the ATI/Nvidia drivers are more stable/unstable. Now, it is true that the FX5800U could fry up with some older version of the detonator drivers, becuase the fan would turn off when running 3d screensavers. That problem, however, really didn't cause as much damage as some sites made it look. Oh, and if you wonder, that problem doesn't exist anymore. The latest detonator drivers (currently 44.03) and the latest catalyst drivers (currently 3.6) are both rock solid. I havn't any problems what so ever with any of them.

Conclusion: No card is the real winner here. They're so very close in performance. IF you're a fanboy, go with the card that your company has developed. :) If you're just intrested in getting the best card, get the cheapest one. When I did the review, the 5900U was more expensive, though as far as I know, the price differences are close to nothing. The 9800pro is a little better than the 5900U when you turn on FSAA and FA, but the 5900U, on the other hand, has a slight lead in games that requires more from the speed of the card (Q3, for an example).
I'm sitting on a 9800pro myself, but that's because I could get it extra cheap; I found an offer on a site that had got too many cards, and was selling them for 350 dollars (keep in mind that this was last month). You couldn't go wrong with either one

By the way, I didn't post the results of the games/benchmarks in picture formats. For one, my server hosting them is down, but it would also take alot more time to put them all up (not that this post didn't take along time to write, but still). Though, as I hope you can all see, this is a very fair review with no "fanboyism".
Hope you enjoyed the text as much as I did writing it. ;)

*edit* I forgot to put a "-" after CS, meaning that it was a tie, but I've done that now. :)

review #2 for the 5900U is tomshardware i believe, tom is known to favor nvidia products.
Originally posted by dawdler
Well, I cant really tell, since there is a limited number (of rather dark) images at the [T]ardOCPs 5900 review, but here's a few:
The floor looks VERY blurry by the crosshair... Same tendancy as the 5600?
Again, the floor gets VERY blurry at relativly close range. Same tendancy as the 5600?
Here on the other hand it looks relativly good, even at range.

Seems inconsistent.

the floor looks good to all the people in the store. some of the shadows are blurred at the edges but that is even true for the ATI.(it really looks like lighting effects to me on both cards)

have you checked out the IQ tests at toms and anandtech?
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
the floor looks good to all the people in the store. some of the shadows are blurred at the edges but that is even true for the ATI.(it really looks like lighting effects to me on both cards)

have you checked out the IQ tests at toms and anandtech?
Of course. A beatiful flower in front of you is always more beatiful than the field of beatiful flowers behind you.

I did check those IQ tests, except I fail to see where the real IQ tests are on those pages? Care to show me a specific link?
Originally posted by dawdler
Of course. A beatiful flower in front of you is always more beatiful than the field of beatiful flowers behind you.

I did check those IQ tests, except I fail to see where the real IQ tests are on those pages? Care to show me a specific link?

tom ran a few with a promise of a more indepth look.

here is anantech's IQ portion
Well now I see were your getting the "5900 iq is better" kick. According to anand and toms, but given that, why is it when I look at the actual pics, do I see blured on the floor and other things? I mean the floor is one of the BIGGEST things that seems to get affected, and should be the most important to work on and far as IQ goes, but yet I see a blurred floor, that looks like somone has smugged something acorss the floor and made it all burred and washed out looking, yet with the 43.xx I see clarity, and crispness and clearness. So what tells more, the actualy full picture or the test samples that anand and toms are running? Well I think that's a given, the full picture in the game tells that SOMEhow, obviously, that something has gone wrong somewhere. Next I see alot of benches, wich really don' mean squat, because that's ALL they are is benches, not actual pictures, so why is it no one can actually put pictures up, and I'm not talking about doom3 pics either, I mean real actual game pics, that are out today, I kinda think it's because they know maybe, that ATI will have the better look. It's sorta like running 3dmark, and saying "HEY!! I got 100,000 3dmarks!! woohoo" but what they don't mention is, thier games look like utter crappy burred washed out crap, and that the game itself doesn't run hworth a crap really, but hey, we get 100,000 3dmarks though, that's something aint it?, bleh, show me pics, show me visuals, not a bunch of marks and graphs. Tests for awhile now have lacked the fact that they do not show actual pics and what they look like, instead they post a buncha of what I call "at the office" sorta graphs. Do you solely base a card from graphs and fps? is that what you actually GO by when buying a card? I sure don't, I want to "see" what my game is gonna look like, and before anyone says "well when you play a game do you sit and look" well not always, but don't you wanna see what the game was meant to "look" like, rather than play it? if not why are you even playing q3 or ut/ut2003 for? why not jsut play nintendo 1 type games and looks, since we're not worried about visuals anyways, we like the game play. So I say yes visuals are nice, to a point as long as the game has game play and the game isn't centered aroud visuals 90% of it, then yeah, you bet ya, I will sit and eww and ahh and gaga over the visuals to actually see the nice rippled water effects or the nice textures on buildings.
Originally posted by easyrider
Well now I see were your getting the "5900 iq is better" kick. According to anand and toms, but given that, why is it when I look at the actual pics, do I see blured on the floor and other things? I mean the floor is one of the BIGGEST things that seems to get affected, and should be the most important to work on and far as IQ goes, but yet I see a blurred floor, that looks like somone has smugged something acorss the floor and made it all burred and washed out looking, yet with the 43.xx I see clarity, and crispness and clearness. So what tells more, the actualy full picture or the test samples that anand and toms are running? Well I think that's a given, the full picture in the game tells that SOMEhow, obviously, that something has gone wrong somewhere. Next I see alot of benches, wich really don' mean squat, because that's ALL they are is benches, not actual pictures, so why is it no one can actually put pictures up, and I'm not talking about doom3 pics either, I mean real actual game pics, that are out today, I kinda think it's because they know maybe, that ATI will have the better look. It's sorta like running 3dmark, and saying "HEY!! I got 100,000 3dmarks!! woohoo" but what they don't mention is, thier games look like utter crappy burred washed out crap, and that the game itself doesn't run hworth a crap really, but hey, we get 100,000 3dmarks though, that's something aint it?, bleh, show me pics, show me visuals, not a bunch of marks and graphs. Tests for awhile now have lacked the fact that they do not show actual pics and what they look like, instead they post a buncha of what I call "at the office" sorta graphs. Do you solely base a card from graphs and fps? is that what you actually GO by when buying a card? I sure don't, I want to "see" what my game is gonna look like, and before anyone says "well when you play a game do you sit and look" well not always, but don't you wanna see what the game was meant to "look" like, rather than play it? if not why are you even playing q3 or ut/ut2003 for? why not jsut play nintendo 1 type games and looks, since we're not worried about visuals anyways, we like the game play. So I say yes visuals are nice, to a point as long as the game has game play and the game isn't centered aroud visuals 90% of it, then yeah, you bet ya, I will sit and eww and ahh and gaga over the visuals to actually see the nice rippled water effects or the nice textures on buildings.

And with next-gen games like HL2 and D3. IQ is even more important.

The HL2 devs themselves reccomend a 9700-9800 for HL2.
Originally posted by Shad0hawK
it seems ATI has adopted the tactics of some of it's fanboys, that is when you lose , whine and cry and submit no proof.

as for myself, i will see if i can duplicate the results hardOCP got since i have acess to the same brand 5900U and 9800pro. as a little addition i must say i am impressed with the 6xAA perf of the 256meg 9800, ahhhh if it was stable i would buy it in a heartbeat!!

hawk you moron....i told you not to ****ing argue you. your just wasteing forum space now. YOU CAN NOT WIN ON THIS TOPIC apparently your VERY SLOW in the head because this has to be the 80th time youv been proven wrong. SO JUST STOP POSTING
Originally posted by crabcakes66
And with next-gen games like HL2 and D3. IQ is even more important.

The HL2 devs themselves reccomend a 9700-9800 for HL2.

For now, yeah, and HL2 is jsut around the corner, BUT that can, and sometimes does change, it could very well be that nvidia pulls a rabbit outta thier hat and are on top again, not likely at this stage, but definatly not Unliekly either, seen it to many times. As for now yeah, but I was talking about the reviews shadow was referring to. By all rights, according to the reveiw pics, and examples they show, small, but you definately see the difference in aa on both cards and if everything went by those examples they used, well then, sure ati SHOULD by all rights have a shitter look and crappier aa, but it doesn't seem to in actual games, I am jsut curious why.
First off we'll take the pics that Anandtech.

Anands high quality, performance
Now if you look both ati and Nvidia in the top pics are VERY VERY similar, not but a slight differnece if that. If you go to the bottom pics, you'll see ati's has crappy filtering, hence the edges towards the front are much smoother and ncier on the nvidia card, as compared to the ati card.

Anands Quality
Now if you look here, there is minimal difference, the ati being ever so slightly better, but it's VERY small.

Anands comarison of both, side by side, in levels
In these pics you see both are VERY close in comparison.

Quote from Toms "Comparsion between R9800 8x and 16x anisotropic. Only 90° areas are filtered with 16x" This has always been a known fact with ATI, they don't seem to filter at a like 45 degree angle as I understand it or something like that. Not the video guru I wish I wasn so if I am wrong on this please correct me, and do it in a humanly fashion please, I take constructive critisism well :).

Now my question that always seems to arise in these instances, is.....why is it according to the pics and the examples, that ati seems to have the worse aniso/aa, but yet looks far superior ian the game itself? and again I'm only useing the examples/pics I posted and in the games thenselves, not anything else.
According to the examples anand uses, by all rights the nvidia SHOULD look better, but it doesn't.
lol ati has much much better filtering than the current nvidia cards....maybe its jut me but i think some bastard switched the the pictures from card to card
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
lol ati has much much better filtering than the current nvidia cards....maybe its jut me but i think some bastard switched the the pictures from card to card

LOL, I was kinda haveing that thought too, but still, if they did do that wouldn't that warrent Anand as being lawfully in trouble with nvidia, and/or ati, putting out false information? :)

Anyways, yeah according to the pics ati does have crappier aa and aniso, or as the case may be in this case, we'll say aniso, but it proves differently in games.
I to think ati has WAY better look and filtering but according to anand, it doesn't, something jsut seems kinda ODD here is all. I in no way accuse anand of cheating, but I do think it doesn't add up according to the actual game picture.
What has me even more concerned is that every different hardware review site you go to has the same kind of inconsistency's.
When the NV40s come out the whole NV3x series will dropped like a bad habit:dozey:

Bad shader performance, funky driver conspiracys, freaky architecture, weirdo cooling solution(5800 that is, the 5900 looks kinda cool) and a failed PR release campaign.

The FXs were supposed to just dominate the r300 series.
(By dominate I mean like a ti4200 vs 9700pro dominate, absolutely destroyed in term of performance etc.) And we get a year late and and a dollar short.
Actually, I got my 5900U last monday and Ive been running my own IQ tests. Seems like the 44.03 have a bug inside them. Its shaders are way off, I tried the 44.71's and the IQ went way up, as well as performance. I also compared the 44.90's and they have no IQ difference with the 44.71's. However all in all the 44.71's seem to be the best. This card is also a great overclocker. 450/850 - 518/988 stable, I couldnt beleive it. I get around 85 fps constant in 1942 with max AF on. I also ran 3dmark03, heres the link to the project details: .
Hey easy, look at the driver revision of the anandtech tests. Coincedentally those are the ones which enable trilinear filtering in applications specifically made to test aniso quality, but switches the filtering to bilinear once game benchmarks are used which lowers the quality...
Here are some samples to show you guys the quality difference between the 44.03 drivers and the 44.71 drivers. Youll note the placement of shadows.

Some examples:

40.33 Drivers:

40.71 Drivers:

40.33 Drivers:

40.71 Drivers:

You can tell the quality difference easily. Wait until a test with unoptimized drivers is done, the 44.03's still contain optimizations.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Actually, I got my 5900U last monday and Ive been running my own IQ tests. Seems like the 44.03 have a bug inside them. Its shaders are way off, I tried the 44.71's and the IQ went way up, as well as performance. I also compared the 44.90's and they have no IQ difference with the 44.71's. However all in all the 44.71's seem to be the best. This card is also a great overclocker. 450/850 - 518/988 stable, I couldnt beleive it. I get around 85 fps constant in 1942 with max AF on. I also ran 3dmark03, heres the link to the project details: .

I think there's something wrong with your card. You get horrible performance compared to what you should get. Here's alink to what I get in 3d mark 2003 when my processor was unclocked; nearly 6000 (with a 9800pro)! When overclocked, it was as much as 6500 (though I forgot to send in the latter results to the futuremark homepage; I will soon though). Any 5900U should get ATLEAST 5000pts, even when not overclocked. You get kinda crappy performance in 1942 also, compared to what you should get. My recommendation to you is to use driver cleaner, or a similar program, and then install the drivers again. If that doesn't work, you should reformat your system
Originally posted by theHATRED
I think there's something wrong with your card. You get horrible performance compared to what you should get. Here's alink to what I get in 3d mark 2003 when my processor was unclocked; nearly 6000 (with a 9800pro)! When overclocked, it was as much as 6500 (though I forgot to send in the latter results to the futuremark homepage; I will soon though). Any 5900U should get ATLEAST 5000pts, even when not overclocked. You get kinda crappy performance in 1942 also, compared to what you should get. My recommendation to you is to use driver cleaner, or a similar program, and then install the drivers again. If that doesn't work, you should reformat your system

Yeah...I dont know why your compaing my system to yours when they both have MAJOR differences.

You have an Nforce 2 board, I have an old 850 board

Your running an athalon underclocked, Im running a P4 1.8 overclocked (its a northwood A)

Your FSB is 50 clocks higher than mine (LOL!)

Your running AGP 8x, im using 4x.

There is no way you can compare our two benchmarks, they are on completely different systems so nothing is wrong with my setup. The FSB alone will propel you way ahead of me in points.
Originally posted by easyrider
I am takeing it, that the first shot is the 43.45 , and the second shot is 44.03??

I made a different gif with 3 images that is a bit easier to read. it's a bit larger though so i'll just link it here for those interested.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Yeah...I dont know why your compaing my system to yours when they both have MAJOR differences.

You have an Nforce 2 board, I have an old 850 board

Your running an athalon underclocked, Im running a P4 1.8 overclocked (its a northwood A)

Your FSB is 50 clocks higher than mine (LOL!)

Your running AGP 8x, im using 4x.

There is no way you can compare our two benchmarks, they are on completely different systems so nothing is wrong with my setup. The FSB alone will propel you way ahead of me in points.

First of all, 8x agp is more of a marketing thing, and the performance difference is hardly noticeable.

Second, yes, I have the "all famous" nForce2 board, thogh it does *not* give that much increase in performance. The fsb will "propel" my way forwards a bit, though not anywhere near that gap between our points. I've seen people with 1,5GHZ get more than 5000 points unclocked, with my own eyes. 3d mark 2003 is almost only based on the performance of the graphics card. A Pentium 3GHZ H.T got about 200 points more than a 2000+; this was a test I did myself (or rather, I participated in the test). Heck, you get even less than people with the 9700 non-pro. Trust me, you have atleast another 1000 points to get.
Originally posted by theHATRED
First of all, 8x agp is more of a marketing thing, and the performance difference is hardly noticeable.

Second, yes, I have the "all famous" nForce2 board, thogh it does *not* give that much increase in performance. The fsb will "propel" my way forwards a bit, though not anywhere near that gap between our points. I've seen people with 1,5GHZ get more than 5000 points unclocked, with my own eyes. 3d mark 2003 is almost only based on the performance of the graphics card. A Pentium 3GHZ H.T got about 200 points more than a 2000+; this was a test I did myself (or rather, I participated in the test). Heck, you get even less than people with the 9700 non-pro. Trust me, you have atleast another 1000 points to get.

Yeah I know about the 8x thing but I decided to throw that in just for refrence. The fact remains, you have current hardware all around and I do not. I dont think you have any experience with a system like mine. Im running an RDRam board as well.

So far Ive only seen systems with a 100mhz FSB advantage over me getting 5890, which is what I think you mistook my system for. If you compare my system with others with my specs you'll see that they score the same because they are using Northwood A's, and not B's or higher.