I'm not saying I disagree with Munro, but I don't think anyone should automatically discredit anything, no matter how unlikely it is. As Broon said, we'll no for sure at 2 PM tomorrow or if we get some sort of press release previous to that.
And don't forget how easy it is to fake Steam...
I emailed Gabe asking him that same thing earlier. I wanted to know if destructible models such as the zombies have some sort of flag that tells what can and cannot deform the model.
I'll tell you if he replies.
Gimpy, Gabe confirmed that Team Fortress 2 is being made on the Source engine, thus the lack of news about it. It couldn't be made until the new engine was done, now could it?
I'd like to think that they could get it out within a few weeks, at the least via Steam.
Otherwise we can look forward to posters of the G-Man in a Santa's hat decorating electronics stores in anticipation for the release. Wow, I just can't wait. [/sarcasm]
In the official Valve news thread, Erik says that we can probably expect to see some new HL-2 media next week after they get some bugfixes done. Maybe a press release at the least.
~prays the bugfixes refer to tech demo and not HL-2 itself~
HL1 was delayed for a year in four month 'shifts.' We need to start worrying if it will be delayed past November (I'm certain the release will be around Nov. 15, since that's the 5-year anniversary of HL1. One of the Valve members even mentioned that 'yeah, it's funny how that works out, isn't it?).
I just want the tech demo! I'm more hyped about the Source engine and its capabilites than the game itself, although HL-2 looks amazing. I just can't wait to get my hands into that map editor...
~mental orgasm~
The only destructible things are what are programmed to be destructible. They take up more memory, and with the large number of trees in Eastern Europe, odds are that they don't come apart.
Eventually we will have a true-to-life physics system. Someday, we will be able to boil the entire...
Give me that tech demo (giant pachinko machine, yeah!) over a gameplay demo any day. Hell, I could spend hours just shooting the fence and throwing stuff into the water. Maybe a spawn function just for the Combine soldier, get a few kills in.
I always half-expected it to end up being released around Nov. 15, the 5-year anniversary of HL. Pick up the game five years after HL1, just as Freeman does in the story.
Well, I suppose we have that benchmark to look forward to on the 30, with a possibility of a new movie or two. It would be...