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  1. flupke

    HL2 starts to arrive at retail outlets...

    can you make pics?
  2. flupke

    Gold Package just arrived, yay!

    can't you post some pictures of inside the strategy guide? New pics... ^^
  3. flupke

    Can HL2 possibly compete with this?

    someone in the beginning of this thread said it already : who gives a shit. We all know HL2 is a revolutionary game. It will rock your pants off.
  4. flupke

    What song will you play as Half-Life 2 unlocks?

    Company Flow - Legends => RJD2 - Chickenbone Circuit ^^
  5. flupke

    HL2 engine games

    yeah it's a good game, but i hate people claiming wrong stuff. God, flatout doesn't use source. Geezes.
  6. flupke

    no sdk?

    1) Please typ in good english so we can at least understand what you are talking about. 2) SDK is for the moment for CS : S purchasers only.
  7. flupke

    Source SDK Tools Available Now :(
  8. flupke

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    I think 'Ungesicht' means 'face'. Or was that 'Angesicht'? :angel: I only learned dutch for two years, each time 3 hours :)
  9. flupke

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    good god, indeed, i hope so much this is true! wow, hammer. You know, i like HL2 the most, but i especially like the loads of SP & MP mods they're gonna be made on the source engine. Half 2005 : map C:\Program Files\Valve\HL2 will be like 9GB :)
  10. flupke

    vote 4 game of the year awards

    yep closed
  11. flupke

    Half-Life 2 Rated 95% in Hyper magazine and awesome new screenshots inside

    It's not a thing.. imo it's a bunch of zombies hung up above the fire. 4 - 5 zombies i guess.
  12. flupke

    HL2 SDK set for HL2 Release

    great news!!!!
  13. flupke

    Wanna win the vote? I need some help...

    idd, it's plain simple : HL2 will leave much greater impressions than Halo2. Everyone will realise it, even the Halo2 fanboys.
  14. flupke

    Half-life2(title): around the world?

    Dutch (The Netherlands) : helft leven Dutch (BELGIUM :)) : half leven
  15. flupke

    Nice HL2 Trailer at!

    so very very very very old.. :)
  16. flupke

    Inquirer article about upgrading for HL2

    Of course! This article is a bit misleading (from what the pictures show). Whatever card you have, with that CPU (celeron 1.2) you're not going to get great framerates. Even with the 'better' one (amd xp 1800+), it doesn't get much better.
  17. flupke

    why hasn't hl2 been released...ppl playing in canada already...

    let's see the proof then. btw, the first place to look if a full gold game is leaked is packetnews, and i don't see it there. so if it isn't there, it's not leaked.
  18. flupke

    Gamesmaster (UK) Half life 2 review

    Yeah, and ffs guys, please stop comparing a PC game to a PS2 game. A PS2 is console for one, and it got a shitty 233mhz processor. Within capabilities of a ps2, gta : sa rocks ass. You shouldn't be giving gta : sa 70% because "actually, the ps2 sucks in comparisation to a PC so we'll just...
  19. flupke

    Official Site Finally Updated

    that happened two days ago.. or was it yesterday? anyway, it's old 8)
  20. flupke

    New screenshots of half life 2

    I'm sure that's NOT from the leak. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that's a capture from the E3 2003 demo's.