Search results

  1. XtAkm4p

    Where is the bannage?

    mods sleep. maybe i should too....
  2. XtAkm4p

    How did Valve..

    its not delayed because of localization purposes.
  3. XtAkm4p

    Will the Benchmark arrive today?

    nothings gonna happen, not even the 3 videos they promised
  4. XtAkm4p

    1 hour and counting

    18 min, 20 seconds
  5. XtAkm4p

    Goooooood Morning!

    24 minutes, 10 seconds.... theres still hope
  6. XtAkm4p

    A few newbie questions

    leave steam updating overnight or dl the 700 meg version
  7. XtAkm4p

    1 hour and counting

    41 minutes.
  8. XtAkm4p

    How do YOU pronounce warez?

    oh cmon its a forum, too time consuming to spell and capitalize correctly ur->your->you're its all good
  9. XtAkm4p

    How do YOU pronounce warez?

    pronouced "wears" as in "sofwares"
  10. XtAkm4p

    Help me decide...

    mp2 but then again.... yep, mp2
  11. XtAkm4p

    IGNSider! For Free!

    hes just bragging cuz somone bought him a year
  12. XtAkm4p

    Funniest thing ever!

    lame! naked time?
  13. XtAkm4p

    IGNSider! For Free!

    i think im gonna cancel my insiderness no point
  14. XtAkm4p

    Hosting a hl2_techdemo2 Rocket Crowbar game!

    someone plz clarify why rc is so good, and where i can get it
  15. XtAkm4p

    RC Techdemo Server Up

    duhhhhhh cmon man u know wat i meant... gimme some info, or at least a link
  16. XtAkm4p

    RC Techdemo Server Up

    yeah really wtf is rc
  17. XtAkm4p


    dude cmon dont be lazy. its like picking up after yourself after you eat lunch on a large campus. if everyone were like u, thered be garbage everywhere as for me, i have high sensitivity. always. and inverted mouse too.
  18. XtAkm4p

    Caption Contest For My Tshirt

    "sv_sun 0! sv_sun 0!!11onehundredeleven!1!"
  19. XtAkm4p

    My space bar is ****ed up!

    my friend spilled mountain dew on my keyboard. i made the ****er buy me a logtech elite much better than the generic brand he broke :P