The modeling looks nice but the shaders on the body give away the CG look. Try turning down diffuse amount a tad bit, and use some anisotropic specularity (through the BRDF shader) to get the paint with metallic paint look. And slightly blur the reflections. Also the chrome parts of the...
Even a massive ad campaign shouldn't cost anymore than 15 to 20 million for a big game. Half-Life 2's development costs are around $40 million, without promotions. ;)
As for who will come out on top? Well...Half-Life isn't exactly a weakling, the original sold almost 9 million copies to...
I don't think people realize the behemoth in terms of sales Half-Life 1 was...
Every other publisher who has a November date is feeling a bit queasy right now. ;)
Well, it does, it can render an image with a color channel of 800... or -900. ;)
Global Illumination pretty much is the general category radiosity is in. It's the different algorithms used to simulate how light bounces off a surface, illuminates another, etc.
High Dynamic Range. The...
I don't understand actual camera bob. Weapons are ok, but when I walk in real life, my head isn't bouncing all over the place. Some games make it look like the character is suffering from an inner ear imbalance. Our brain tries to keep things as smooth as possible.
When I run though, I do...
Because that's "fake" bloom, or bloom without HDR. Even so, while they help each other, they can work independently. Play Far Cry for bloom without HDR.
Bloom is bloom. It has no relation to HDR. Far Cry uses it, Prince of Persia used it, Deus Ex II used it, etc.
What HDR does, is enhance bloom, so that color bleeding looks more realistic, and with a larger range of colors (at least, as far as your monitor can go).
Also, aside from the...
BLOOM IS NOT HDR. What FiringSquad is showing is bloom, you can see the glows are FADED.
HDR renders have a high dynamic range of colors, virtually endless, this higher range of colors allows you to simulate the human eye's sensitivity to light. Sit in a dark room, and go outside in to...
You know why I LOVE that river screenshot with the grass and stuff?
It looks real to the point where you're almost afraid you'll get mud on your boots.
And that tree thing is bloom not HDR. HDR is basically an image with a higher range of colors, that allows for cooler than normal...
While they look impressive, ok, drop-dead awesome, you have to keep in mind these have their sizes slashed, so what you see is not necessarily what you get when you play at resolutions 1024+. I can already see some blurring on textures close up in the smaller shots, imagine it being enlarged...
So people are not going to vote for the best one because a character talks...when he's not supposed to?
Gordon is supposed to be don't talk either? :p
Vegeta I didn't make any entry yours = teh win. ;)