Swedish guy here :E
Just so u know, wo don't eat meatballs all the time... ;P I myself almost never eat it. (Damn, i don't like the word meatballs, makes me think of something else if u know what i mean :o)
If it's a 28 Days Later based mod then why in the us? They are actually in the UK in the movie. Well, anyways, if u can make this happend it would be hell of a mod, loved the movie :D
Anime must be teh pwn. Nothing can take the style of anime! It's so great.
Battle Angel Alita is a great one! Wish they had made all the mangas into anime =/
Neon Genesis Evangelion in a great one to :D
I have a Nintendo 64 and a PC, i did have a Nes to but i donu where it disapeared to. Want to get a GC to but i'll waste the money on new comp parts instead :E
Ridge Racer 64
Mario Kart
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
Mario 64
Perfect Dark
F-Zero X