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  1. Radeon

    The best smiley ever

    Ahaha, cool one :D I like this ^^ and this one :D the most.
  2. Radeon

    What do you know about Sweden?

    Swedish guy here :E Just so u know, wo don't eat meatballs all the time... ;P I myself almost never eat it. (Damn, i don't like the word meatballs, makes me think of something else if u know what i mean :o)
  3. Radeon

    Whats up...

    Hi, and welcome dude :E
  4. Radeon

    mapping in 3dsmax

    Just learn hammer instead, it's relly easy :)
  5. Radeon

    Finished Warthog C&C NEEDED

    Looks cool :)
  6. Radeon

    cool comparison??

    Ahaha, nice reply there :E
  7. Radeon

    2 new wallpapers HL2-TechnoWater and HL2-OldPaint!

    Damn, u just keep making all these wallpapers, do u never rest ;P Nice ones :E
  8. Radeon

    Crazy Mod Ideas

    There will probably be some sports mods poping up. Haven't u guys played IOS for hl?
  9. Radeon

    "the delay"

    I don't think so, because they do have much more than when they released the first movie.
  10. Radeon

    Back to the World (28 Days Later Based Mod)

    If it's a 28 Days Later based mod then why in the us? They are actually in the UK in the movie. Well, anyways, if u can make this happend it would be hell of a mod, loved the movie :D
  11. Radeon


    Wow, looks good for first weapon, i'm trying to get into weapon modeling to, kinda hard tough =/ What software did u use to make it?
  12. Radeon

    Anime that you like

    Anime must be teh pwn. Nothing can take the style of anime! It's so great. Battle Angel Alita is a great one! Wish they had made all the mangas into anime =/ Neon Genesis Evangelion in a great one to :D
  13. Radeon

    Consoles! err..

    I have a Nintendo 64 and a PC, i did have a Nes to but i donu where it disapeared to. Want to get a GC to but i'll waste the money on new comp parts instead :E N64: Mace Ridge Racer 64 Mario Kart The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Mario 64 Quake Perfect Dark F-Zero X PC...
  14. Radeon

    New Proto type plane.

    Looks cool, reminds me of the stealth airplane.
  15. Radeon

    Half Life 2: Windows XP Theme - Take 2

    Hmmf, cool, but i relly don't like the theme, theres to much orange all over.
  16. Radeon

    XIII Demo, SP - English version

    This game is awsome, i played the French version. Can't wait untill it hits the stores :D
  17. Radeon


    Cya, have phun :imu:
  18. Radeon

    My Chassi ;)

    Looks cool, i will probably get a big sticker paper and make the hl2 logo in that and then stick it onto my window on the chassi :E
  19. Radeon

    asking for boxarts

    Here you go :E