Search results

  1. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Why are so many people believing the hacker?

    Because your ****!! and can't wait for the full thing. ... also desktop is spelt wrong :P
  2. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Why are so many people believing the hacker?

    I hate evil, i want to stab it.
  3. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Ffs Release The Game!!!

    Hmm. I can hold out because i have a 3 gig dl limit with dodgy isp in australia.
  4. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    WTF? Did Valve ever heard of security?

    Well even if they put "Millions" into security from anything, there is always a fault somewhere - so a hacker (very skilled one) could just pop in and take a look around. No system is perfect.
  5. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    VU to French Paper for Economy: HL2 to be delayed until March 2004

    If VALVE didn't say it, it wont be true.
  6. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Ive offically given up hope.

    Can i serve him to?
  7. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half Life 2 Source Code Compile Guide

    That; that guy actually posted something like this.
  8. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half Life 2 Source Code Compile Guide

    He just made a topic with links to dl the files. I hope he burns in hell.
  9. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Half Life 2 Source Code Compile Guide

    WTF!! Go to ****ing h*ll
  10. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Something to watch...

    Haha wtf!
  11. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    The Australian Half Life 2 Community

    Hmm, ive been a member for a while. :p
  12. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    little gamers flame valve!

    Let's see. i'm 14 and they are the most immature people i have seen so fair.
  13. .5c0ut-WHoR3.


    1. if i said yes i would get in trouble D: 2. Not a god dam clue 3. to be the best ever :D 4. most people just want free/cheap stuff 5. only if the game was good i wouldnt mind paying more 6. burn them all
  14. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Something to watch...

    Only shit people like shit endings :\
  15. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    valve you need to pony up some cash

    Dw i will protect you. *hides in corner and calls up valve* Oh wait... Noo!!
  16. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Source code explanation

    Re: Re: Confirm Indeed.
  17. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Funny Halflife 2 spoof vids.

  18. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Heres an idea....

    Heh cool.
  19. .5c0ut-WHoR3.

    Do you think they will remake the levels
