"just thought I'd let yas all know that we can all forget about seeing it this year yet"
Repetitive, useless post. You told us about this a long time ago. The info has already been added to the Valve info thread in multiple emails. Thanks but we knew this already.
That picture is not from the inside of the Depot. Its the combine citedel thing. Atleast I'm 98% sure it is. Considering the fact that the combine fortress constantly expands sections of its walls seperatly which engulfs City 17 a little at a time, looking at that screen shot seems to show...
The Satchel Charges / Tripmine combo owned. I know all the best spots to place them resulting in even the top players with all kills and no deaths, to be fall to their doom! Mwahahaha Those players always leave the game as soon as I get em. They thought they were good, until they met me.
I hate Penny Arcade. None of their comics are funny. Theres never a good punch line, not even a good pun.
Nice case mod, but not worth the money in my opinion. I'd rather spend the extra cash on a more powerful machine than making it look pretty. Then again if you have all that spare cash...
Hi. I made that map. The bsp name is hl2_techdemo2.bsp You can get the HalfLife2.net exclusive version at www.angelfire.com/clone/adam321/hl2_techdemo_eggs.zip
This version contains the entire techdemo area. The one on fileplanet only has the pachinco area. See how many avatars you can find...
Counter-Strike will be the least of your concerns once we start seeing truely innovated and thought provoking mod ideas poping up that effectivly take advantage of Sources full capabilitys. The real concern here is, which mod is going to be the next big hit like Counter-Strike was for the...
Don't you remember? Vivendi Universal said it would be delayed atleast until April after the hacker incident. Not holiday 2003 which was the date mentioned before the stolen source code.
Just because you don't see Gabe Newell talk about those topics, does not mean the site did not ask them. Remember, Gabe does not anwser all questions when you send him a list. Alot of sites who conducted an interview with Gabe have asked, none of them recieved an anwser to those questions.
Actualy, VB is faster than Flash, and infact, you can write the entire game of HL1 in VB and it would still be fast. Remember that Flash uses a scripting language, and VB.net is a fully OOP language. Since the advent of DirectX 7, Visual Basic programs can hook into the DirectX dlls allowing VB...
Flash can't make multiplayer online games. Thats shockwave your thinking of. Shockwave is made by the same company as Flash, but they are 2 different things. Shockwave was made specificaly for making games, which is why its alot more powerful than Flash. But of course flash is alot easyer to use...
"Think of Fragmasters .wav file where he has that h4x0r voice impersonation of a HL2 fan."
Im going to ask Mrs. Crabshaw if I can get outta school early to get my copy of the game. Hell yeah!! Hell yeah! OWNED!! owned...hahahaa..
Cell shading is more than just thick black outlines around the model like the ones HL1 can emulate with a simple reverse facing polygonal method like the one used in Buzzy Bots mod.