Search results

  1. O

    Striders are apparently serious.

    I would drive up on a giant ramp, and crash the dune buggy right into the Strider's face.
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    It took me about 30 mins How do I round the handle and stuff?
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    Hey all, I just got 3ds max a couple days ago Started working on a glock today Yeah, it sucks but I'm a total n00b to 3d. Hope you like it
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    Star Wars Galaxies

    I like it! I play on Tarquinas
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    rec's masterpieces

    Nice work! :cool:
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    HL2 Avatars

    w00t! :)
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    My Art :dork:
  8. O

    This community is destroyed

    This community is mostly corrupt.
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    a Little Update

    DDealer] some facts: [DDealer] - There are 2 fake screenshots that someone posted previously, one from UT2K3 and another that was photoshopped. [DDealer] - There is another fake screenshot floating around on IRC thats from last month's PCGamer. [DDealer] - Yet another 3 fakes in the form of...
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    You age affects your perception of time

    I'm 14 :)
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    Champions League

    Right now it's STU vs MAN right?
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    Novel of Alctraz Event

    When can we see the video?? :)
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    The Benchmark Topic

    Today. :(
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    Benchmark Preview

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    Guess-a-release-date poll!

    NOVEMBER 14th !!!!!
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    Potential Lawsuit against Vivendi

    *steps up on podium* *sorts papers* *clears throat* ahem OMGWTFLOLZ!!111!!
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    All Effects with a G4 ti4200????

    what about my Geforce 4 Ti 4800-SE?