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  1. Rigamix

    My new picture.

    Leon :) Great movie.
  2. Rigamix

    RE2 Filming Pics Out!!!

    Titus's brother !! Wooohooo ! Maybe it isn't the same title in USA...
  3. Rigamix

    [wip][famae S.a.f.]

    Forget that, i'm stupid...i understand now...
  4. Rigamix

    HL2-Alien-Ignition (The BLUE Version!)

    Jakup, can i have a larger version of your avatar ? :)
  5. Rigamix

    [wip][famae S.a.f.]

    Hrem...i'm not a weapon's specialist, but it look weird...maybe it's normal...if it is, beat me
  6. Rigamix

    HL2 mods!

    Entropy, because there are some french :) No, seriously, i think it will be a great mod...
  7. Rigamix

    Other great game to kick back after some intense Half Life 2: Worms3D!

    And i think they'll do WormsHL with Source Engine...
  8. Rigamix

    Other great game to kick back after some intense Half Life 2: Worms3D!

    a new version of wormsHL is coming, with new vgui, etc...
  9. Rigamix

    Who has the best Avatar???

    I've got the best...........................................................................................................................what ? :)
  10. Rigamix

    Cold War: Melting Point Update

    I love the tmp :)
  11. Rigamix

    UMP 40 for Rivals OCR ready!

    Very nice !
  12. Rigamix

    System requipments

    Lol, i've got to change my PC too :)
  13. Rigamix

    System requipments

  14. Rigamix

    The Euro and Britain...

    Lololol !
  15. Rigamix

    bugbait shows a bug fixed I think

    I dont think this bug is fixed in bugbait, we can't see weapons's shadow when they are in their hands...but in Traptown, i think this bug is fixed...
  16. Rigamix

    The Euro and Britain...

    Hrem... :)
  17. Rigamix

    The Euro and Britain...

    Europe sux...:)
  18. Rigamix

    G.H.O.S.T. Op's Weapon Renders

    Gniiiiiiihhhh !
  19. Rigamix

    Post a Picture of Yourself

    Hey ! How did you find my ex-girlfriends's gallery ?! Some of them are french...hehe "Bonnasses"...? French word...
  20. Rigamix

    Post a Picture of Yourself

    Lol ok ! :cheese: