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  1. D

    frustration with the 9800 pro..

    no, i meant him
  2. D

    Applying thermal compound

    and this came off of the HSF?
  3. D

    frustration with the 9800 pro..

    do you have vsync off?
  4. D

    Applying thermal compound

    i would recommend arctic silver ceramique, it's better for cooling than arctic silver III and it's nonconductive, so if you get a little on a circuit it's no big deal
  5. D

    Run this Benchmark... like HL2!

    i have a p4 1.8a, 512mb of pc800 RDRAM and a 9800 Pro, runs like a dream, a really good dream
  6. D

    Post your 3dmark01 and/or 03 benchmarks.

    i place no faith in any 3dmarking bench, i don't even have it installed on my computer
  7. D

    Valve's Benchmarks vs Publics PC's

    they also probably have some real FPS eaters on, considering they said absolute max settings were used, they probably had things like dynamic LOD turned off and such, which would almost double the polygons being rendered and shaded in a scene i'm almost certain that nobody will be running...
  8. D

    Great Sci-Fi Novels

    Ender's Game's probably my favorite out of those
  9. D

    HL2 Teaser on ATI site

    yes, honestly, wtf did we just sign up for?
  10. D

    VelocityMicro or HypersonicPC

    he said he wants to buy it, let him buy it
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    Post pics of your rig!

    there's a reason white reflects more light than black, and also reflects the heat that light carries black, by nature being the absence of color, and the absence of color meaning none of it's getting reflected back at you, "absorbs" the light is the simplest way i can put it, and also the...
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    The Day Has Come!!!!!!

    why didn't you go with an Nforce2 chipset?
  13. D

    Nvidia caught lowering IQ for fps DET 50's!

    if you really want to see evidence of this, check this:
  14. D

    Two good reasons to assume HL2 is delayed

    of course, it's the ultimate victory :cheers:
  15. D

    where can i find a cheap fx5800?

    damn, wrong person quoted, and there's a time limit to edit, sorry
  16. D

    where can i find a cheap fx5800?

    lol, their DX 9 drivers have been out for quite a while, or so nvidia claimed they were DX 9 drivers, now they say they aren't just look in the release notes of those 45.xx drivers you're installing
  17. D

    Look at this...haha

    maybe, but he needs to lay off this stuff
  18. D

    WHAT can your DirecX9 card do?

    oh damnit, use the default settings please
  19. D

    Ah. Its hammer time.

    bleh, nm