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  1. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    Hmmm, judging by your avatar, your rebuttle, and you comments on Ender's Game, you're one of those 12yr olds who finalized my decsion to quit playing CS
  2. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    Ya know, I have no personal knowlege of you, and no NOTHING about you, other than your screen name on this forum, but I think you're a awful human being. Some may say I should meet you first, and get to know you before making such a blanket statement, but **** that.
  3. Ender01

    Alienware or another pc?

    You sad, sad man. I looked up all those parts on The grand total was $ 1,459.00
  4. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    this has some promise It allways bugged me no one ever tried a WWI game, and IMHO WWI was a lot more interresting to study then WWII
  5. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    i dont think them fighting the buggers would work, but they could do the training part, and also towards the end they could have you take a part of a solider fighting the warshaw pack, on the hidden training colony.
  6. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    EDIT: nvm, i understand, your welcome, one of the best books of all time.
  7. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    OH DEAR JESUS!!!!!!!!
  8. Ender01

    Why Half-Life 2 will be great.

    200 mods allready! Lets hope atleast half will acutally be good and finish. Just think, theres one mod in there that will be almost or as big as CS, most likley. So in 5 yrs we'll be waitin for HL3, someone will just say, "play [insert mod name here] while you wait.":)
  9. Ender01

    Will HL2 get perfect reviews?

    have you seen the benchmarks????? Idiot... the 9600pro kicks ass. Unless you want to run it at 1600x1200, but i think 1200x960 is fine with me.
  10. Ender01

    Will HL2 get perfect reviews?

    umm, yah, no. It doesnt chug full settings with a 9600pro only $152 here unless you think 46 frames is chugging.
  11. Ender01

    Last game you were this excited about...

    probaly mgs 2
  12. Ender01

    Exclusive Half-Life movie picture!!

    someone photoshop a hev suit on this pic, that would be great. lol.
  13. Ender01

    Alienware or another pc?

    I had a friend that bought a $1,100 gateway, i found all the parts on newegg for $545.43. The moral of the story, prebuilts are rip offs. With the extra $500, he could have bought a 9600 pro, and a gig of ram, instead of the shitty intagrated video he has, and a horrible 256mg of ram.
  14. Ender01

    Half-Life 2 reviewed.

  15. Ender01

    Half-Life 2 reviewed.

    lol, sorry for being alittle misleading, but these reviews are funny as hell. If you have found any others, please share.
  16. Ender01

    2100+AMD CPU looking for a home.. (UK)

    hahahhaa, i got a 2.66 p4 on sale for that much, hahhahaa.
  17. Ender01

    Found the easter egg!!

    hahaha, nice.
  18. Ender01

    Holy Crap!!!

    I think Iam right.
  19. Ender01

    Holy Crap!!!

    well, im sayin that its not comin out the 30th, 2 weeks, we'll see.
  20. Ender01

    Holy Crap!!!

    sadly im starting to think it is goin get delayed, i mean wtf? 2 weeks to go, and all we have is a 25min vid. And the 15 is the lastest they can annouce it gold and ship it for stores in time for the 30th