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  1. chris_3


    Stfu, i aint no computer genius and i im too lazy to look the shit up
  2. chris_3


    when i played teh doom 3 demo i had a 30fps in one spot and when i was near a monster i had like 2fps sometimes.......... hmm if i upgraded my athlon xp2000(1667mhz) to a xp2700(2170mhz) would it make a diffrence in my fps?? and another question is why is amd so great?? their ghz are way lower...
  3. chris_3


    if i updated my amd athlon xp2000(1667mhz) to a xp3000(2170mhz) will it make a diffrence in fps???
  4. chris_3


    alyx gives gordon head and then he is full health!
  5. chris_3

    System Requirments

    hmmm with a 2.2ghz 512 ddr ram, geforce fx5600 anyone gonna guess wut my fps is gonna be??? im guessin with everything on high it will be about 60 :\
  6. chris_3

    beta testing

    On this site ( its listed under When will Counter-Strike 2 and Team Fortress 2 be released ? ) they say HL2 will be released on steam early for beta testing....... do u guys know whether we have to buy the game, whether its the whole game or ...
  7. chris_3


    crabcakes66, cs may be inmature at some servers but at the server i play at it's mature and well supurvised.
  8. chris_3

    Processors? "What is a Front Side Bus? The best explanation is this. Imagine the computer as an automobile. The CPU is the engine and the RAM is the drive wheels. In an automobile, we transfer that power from the engine to the drive wheels using a "Drive Shaft". In...
  9. chris_3


    well i just noticed i actually have a amd athlon xp2000+ and i only have 1666mhz y is this :(
  10. chris_3


    im thinkin of updatin for HL2 umm.... i got 512 ddr ram, GeForce5600, and 1.67ghz :\ Im gonna get some more ghz but i dunno wut i should get. Heres a list of processors My questions are: -wut the hell is FSB, -wuts 640k and .13m, -wuts...
  11. chris_3

    another video

    im thinkin of updatin for HL2 umm 512 ddr ram, GeForce5600, and 1.67ghz :\ Im gonna get some more ram but i dunno wut i should get. Heres a list of processors My questions r wut the hell is FSB, wuts 640k and .13m,wuts barton and boxed, and xp2800...
  12. chris_3

    special edition

    uhh then people could just leak it onto the internet :afro:
  13. chris_3


    Watch this vid too :)
  14. chris_3

    Multiplayer: Why is it a secret???

    just guessing that thats it ... dont see u sending out any guesses
  15. chris_3

    just got back from eb and

    i called eb to reserved a game for myself. and they told me 2004 it would come out. then i told them i heared its sept 30th. then they told me maybe Nov it will come out. then i slammed the phone and said u dont know wah the fuk your talking bout!
  16. chris_3

    Multiplayer: Why is it a secret???

    I'm just wondering y do u guys think its a big secret??? I think its because they're fixing the models up so that when you speak over the mic u can see you character speaking the way you are with all the right muscle movements in the face. and also maybe there coming up with some special kinda...
  17. chris_3

    What weapons do you think we will see?.

    Deagle's rock in cs :)
  18. chris_3

    Half-Life 2 Benchmark Tool Coming Soon

    wut exactly does this benchmarking tool let u do?
  19. chris_3

    Valve's story writer

    this topic was made yesterday
  20. chris_3

    will hl2 run good on my computer?

    do u think my copmuter wil be able to run everyting on high with 512ram ddr 1.7ghz and Ge-ForceFX5600??