hey man shut the **** up, if u'd like to post pics of ur models go ahead.
TabzOr gather ur new to weapon modeling as you were asking for tuts the other day, if this is a first attempt it is pretty good :) not to keen on the render tho :O keep it up :thumbs:
nice design but i think the model lets it down, i know you said you wanted a low poly/detail but if you were to add form smoothing groups and chamer some of those edges it will go along way :) looking cool so far tho :cheers:
lol! :( no i didn't extrude along a spline, i ain't that new. i model using the box modeling method. here is some of my other work, (thompson on this one is a older 1 than this from when i was just learning)
thanks sub & neo , i still have to do some smoothing around the handle but the rest (butt) is now smooth enough, (see update i posted earlier) here is the ref pic i used.
EDIT: btw sst thats not even an M1 i don't think in the pic you posted.
sry to keep posting in this thread, but SST have u ever even seen a thompson? it is a boxy gun its not my modeling, instead of just making random comments like that try going into detail in what you mean.
hi ya,
been a while since i did any modelling so i thought i'd start learning again. still quite new to it all but i'm finding my way :D spent a few hours this morning doing the following, i am quite happy with it, might have a go at skinning it, dunno. let me know what you guys think...