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  1. Dalith

    WIP: Knife

    lol, yours looks alot better than mine. Well I'm finished with mine, this is the first time ever I use texture, I suck at rendering. Yours is even nicer without textures!
  2. Dalith

    WIP: Knife

    Ok now I've made the blade too. I added the ref pic in the middle of screen to show you the details on the blade that I want on it, any suggestions?
  3. Dalith

    Teh Shas'ui Firewarrior!

    ROFL, awesome clarky!! *looks at his knife thread and sighs* lol
  4. Dalith

    WIP: Knife

    Hello! This is my first serious model after that green thing I posted a week ago. First time modeling after a reference picture too, it's quite fun! Anyways, I've gotten this so far.. I have no idea how to make the knife blade, any ideas? BTW: Is this good for being my hmm, 5th...
  5. Dalith

    HL2 Vehicles - Bikes?

    @Keats That bike look neat
  6. Dalith

    And before you die find out what your Birth Star is

    Your birthday star is in the constellation Draco. It has the name σ (Sigma) Draconis in Johann Bayer's Uranometria star catalog. It is also called 61 Draconis in the Historia Cœlestis Britannica of John Flamsteed and Edmund Halley. It is called NS 1932+6939 in the NStars database. It has...
  7. Dalith

    A lil' orc

    I better start making 'em then. :p But starting on a character might be a little harsh.
  8. Dalith

    A lil' orc

    I'm trying Fenric. Check the attachment. It's not even near to be called "nice". This is like my 3rd model ever. Man I suck. Can't even render properly
  9. Dalith

    Why you shouldn't claim other people's work as your own (was: Oil Painting)

    *feels stupid* I missed his "here" link. Hmm it's not his work? Pretty lame
  10. Dalith

    A2 Final Piece

    Oh my misstake, it just reminded me much of the skin color. Thanks for making that clear. But I like it, it's.. nice
  11. Dalith

    I will die on

    Tuesday, December 30, 2059. I'll be 73yrs old according to this. Omg I dont get to see 2060. :x
  12. Dalith


    Recoil, if you read apo's first post you would see "critisism welcome". :p If there's any way apo can improve it, I think he would be glad full.
  13. Dalith

    Why you shouldn't claim other people's work as your own (was: Oil Painting)

    The picture doesn't show. :( Please post it again
  14. Dalith

    A2 Final Piece

    I like it but, how is he holdin that Katana? It's a very.. special art piece
  15. Dalith

    Pit Drone Drawing

    It looks awesome. I like your shading, how you do that?
  16. Dalith

    A lil' orc

    I can try it later but I'm mostly best with drawing stuffs from my head.
  17. Dalith

    A lil' orc

    I LOVE to draw "cartoon" characters. Now imagine if I could model a cartoon character then even animate it! My dream. :)
  18. Dalith

    A lil' orc

    I just played around and this is the result of 10minutes. Was drawn with my computer mouse. I hate the shading. :x
  19. Dalith


    You made that one Fenric? :O BTW: You forgot 2 in 123456789. :p
  20. Dalith

    Hacker involved in source code leak caught

    been posted 1293781238912 times, this post will get closed fast! (Use the search function next time)