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  1. M

    where can I download some ati in alcatraz video.

    I will be watching it
  2. M

    where can I download some ati in alcatraz video.

    I will be watching it
  3. M

    Woah...that's Gabe?

    I spend 3-4 hours a day playing computer games and hanging out on the net. I am currently losing tons of wieght though, as I play football, and soon, wrestling. :)
  4. M

    And you never believed me when I said Half-Life 2 wasn't comming September 30th!!!

    And by the way, was it an official announcment? I don't think so....
  5. M

    And you never believed me when I said Half-Life 2 wasn't comming September 30th!!!

    Erm, HL1 was released 3 days after its gold announcement, if I remember correctly...
  6. M

    New wallpaper "HL2-Extruded"

    Hmmm.... I dunno, I dont like it much. Too bland I think.
  7. M

    best bit

    yeah, that was pretty cool....
  8. M

    News about update with the option to downlaod HL2, true?

    Now how the heck did you get "HL2 is going gold tomorrow!" out of "Steam friends server is down for some fixes!"? I am a bit confused...
  9. M

    Steam to being sending 'the game' to hard drives a week before it ships

    Please oh please just let me get my special DVD edition!
  10. M

    Updating Problem

    I've been trying to get this update that was released yesterday. It isn't working to well. Darn, right when I had Steam working perfectly!
  11. M

    My Release Date Question to Best Buy

    I forgot to mention that, I did ask him if I could preorder and just get it there. The idiot just said "Uh, oh yeah! I forgot to get those off the shelves!"
  12. M

    My Release Date Question to Best Buy

    Look for my decently long post on the first page of this, trust me, if it happened to you as much as myself, you would go nuts as well.
  13. M

    My Release Date Question to Best Buy

    In responce to killa_tj, no he didnt tell spitcodfry anything :( I HATE BESTBUY
  14. M

    My Release Date Question to Best Buy

    BESTBUY IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Today alone I have conspired to burn down my local Best Buy 100,000 times. Homeworld 2 was released, and supposed to be on the shelves of stoes, September 16th, it is now the 18th. I go out to Best Buy, and they still have the preorder boxes on the shelves, but no...
  15. M

    Steam bandwidth increase...

    I was there when that happened. No visible improvement or anything, not like there would be, but I can tell you I was not worried in the least bit about bandwidth.
  16. M

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    My hero. Plain and simple.
  17. M


    We know NOTHING about Dog, in fact, we know very very little about the storyline :(
  18. M

    Never got a chance to DL Steam vids...

    lol, you guys are nuts...
  19. M

    CRAZINESS! Possible that Half-Life 2 has shipped?

    IGN is a hella lot more reliable than *dare I say the evil word* Gamespot! I'd trust them over Gamespot, but even they make mistakes. I doubt this is true.
  20. M

    have u ran into any cheaters on STEAM?

    I found some guys that were demonstrating a wallhack in DoD on steam. Made me sick.