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  1. M

    Hmmm.. Didn't Valve say..

    scrayN that was entirely unessesary. I hope somebody slaps you for that one. I doubt they will say anything. If they do, it will be but a week before release.
  2. M

    previeuw boxes in germany

    We've all seen those preview boxes, though I sincerely doubt that is what they will really look like.
  3. M

    Worldwide Release Date... Heh heh heh.

    Actually, it will be released in the US first, in box form. The game will be available in ALL COUNTRIES over Steam at the same time. Otherwise, you must wait for the boxed version to reach you, and we have little knowledge on when that would be :(
  4. M

    Holiday art

  5. M

    no DBZ mod yet?

    Holy crap, pokemon? DBZ? What the hell is wrong with you people? Those pathetic attempts at animated cartoons are rotting your brains with lame plots, fast moving objects and colors, and the worst scripts ever to face the earth. Now, the Simpsons, that is what you should be watching...
  6. M

    new interview with Doug Lombardi

    MarksmanHL2 :) I think you will live.... But I would certainly hope all the remaining HL2 videos get released, as well as new footage, a hundred interviews, a thousand still images, and a playable demo would be released while you are gone. That would just be hilarious!
  7. M

    lo there, 1st post, 1st wallpaper!

    I really like this. I don't care how many special effects there are on a wp, or how long somebody spent on it. If it looks cool, pleases my eyes, and pertains to something I can relate to (HL2!) I will use it on the spot. This one will be my desktop tomorrow. I already just dl'd another for use...
  8. M

    2 new hl tech vids released from ECTS

    Its been posted, but thanks anyway.
  9. M

    Go Inside Gabe Newell's Computer!

    I will wait patiently for this one, will definately be a good laugh. Keep up the work man!
  10. M

    just a wallpaper I've done today

    Hey, the red one is now my background until I find a better one (hard to do, usually use one for a week or two). I liked the blue, but the red one catches my eye more. Very nice work!
  11. M

    Guess what I have!

    Very nice effort, I would like to see you fool some people :)
  12. M

    to whom it may concern

    Alb, alby, not hard to guess man. I used to think it was alby1221 until I noticed no y.
  13. M

    At last - Sept 30th Confirmed by VALVe at ECTS

    I REMEMBER IT! I was just about to bring my own screenshot (yes, I took one too!) of it! Hehe, this is gonna be great.
  14. M

    VALVe is the best company ever

    It does not matter WHO it was from Valve, they are all simply the nicest company to their customers. Second place would have to be Lionhead Studios (company who made Black and White), with Blizzard at third. Anyway.... you rock, hope you get that poster!
  15. M

    Half-Life 2: Max Payne style

    The only part of Max Payne I didn't like was the story telling style. The comic book layout was just so freaking lame. Maybe you guys disagree, but I really didn't like it. HL2 will rock MP2
  16. M

    Favorite Aliens?

    Holy crap, that would be one of the few aliens I would actually worry about fighting. The bullsquid is mean enough, but a headcrabbed super-squid! AHH! My favorite enemy was the ichthyosaur (aka Ichy). This is the only enemy I really feared. Just one could rip you to shreds, and were...
  17. M

    Fun with Grenades

    Yup, AP Chem, doing that this year as well. Goddamn, it is gonna suck. I specifically asked NOT to go into hard classes, and look at what I get!
  18. M

    steam update and hl2 media preload

    No official anouncement, that is odd! And my steam is not updating.
  19. M

    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    In one interview with a HL2 staff guy (almost sure it was Mr. Newell) they said they rigged a strider so they could use it as a vehicle. It actually walked and shot just like the enemy striders we saw in the E3 footage. Now, if a modder did that.... oh geeze, that would be so fun.
  20. M

    Fun with Grenades

    Yes. Did you know that the crowbar attack(you probably know, but some don't) is a solid object flying through the air that will hit just like it would in real life. Say you swing it from the side (doubt the swings are controlable though) it would hit the side you swung it from and do damage...