That's what I thought and that's why I pumped marines but his carriers just wore them down and I lost more minerals from my marines dying than he did from losing interceptors. Maybe I just didn't produce them fast enough though and had too few. Having some of those tech labs being reactors...
Makes sense, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty bad at knowing how many buildings constantly producing that I can support off of X amount of bases which means I often make too many (which helps when you have bad macro so you can still keep your money low :P).
Yes I really noticed my macro slipping there, I didn't even have my starports on a hotkey :|. Also, I built the other barracks cause I thought marines would destroy the interceptors so fast and the tech labs were because I always go marauder heavy vs protoss and I must've done it out of habit...
Okay this game... I don't know what to say really. I'm the terran and this is diamond league on the european server. I haven't really got much experience (<100 games) and I think this is the first time I ever see my...
Well, you could decapitate people in DA: O. I remember during the Carta quest in Orzammar when I got to the leader of the Carta I told her I just wanted to speak with her instead of killing her. But she wouldn't listen and started attacking me so I figured I'd just have to beat her down and then...
What's wrong with a remake? Don't buy/play it if you don't want it and it'll be the same as if it didn't come out at all. I like having more options though so now I can choose whether I want to play it or not whereas before I could only "choose" not to play it. Same reason I don't mind...
Finally this is being released! Hope it's as fun as it was when I first played it probably 1½-2 years ago. The spellcasting system seems different though. I played it on Xbox and there you had to use the right stick in different ways to conjure the elements but here it seems to be achieved by...
Just wait, it'll be announced at E3. They were going to announce it last year at E3, but cancelled it because they decided they were going to announce DotA 2 later and with Portal 2 and DotA 2 on the way they chose to wait with announcing EP3 (aka HL3) until after the release of Portal 2, which...
Yeah, everytime I see this thread bumped I keep thinking "Oh, maybe there's an update on her (Gabrielle's) condition!" and I get disappointed every time :(.
(Better quality:
Dramatic reading of a user review for the flash game "Super PSTW Action RPG" ( The game is short (3 minutes maybe) and the review will be...
I'm a liiittle worried, but at the same time, I can't wait. Well, actually, I can because I'm playing through Origins another time cause I got the ultimate pack, but after that!