Been plying prototype on PC. Max settings at 1920 x 1080 and it plays awesome, no flaws (quad core, 4gb ram, GTX 285). Game itself is very fun and challenging at times. The powers are very awesome, upgrades work well, havnt played too much to comment on story so far but seems alright.
The first one? That game was ACE. After you got used to the idea of no auto save (Quit many times from tantrums because of this) It was really quite engaging and fun. And if you couldn't figure out where to go you could always just blow your way through a wall to get to the next area if you had...
Mmm I bought SC1. was thinking of getting Double Agent but held back simply because reviews were not favorable. So you reckon don't buy either?
Also is Penumbra worth picking up? I know nothing about the game.
Because you put the two together I say black man and white woman. If the man were by himself I'd say Black man. If the women were by herself I'd say just a women. Interesting how the mind works.