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  1. Musk

    Game Critic Awards 09

    Confused. How can they give awards out for games that have not been released?
  2. Musk

    Rate the last game you played

    What story?
  3. Musk

    How cheap is GTA4 now?

    Still like $120 in some stores in Australia.. Yeah you got a good deal.
  4. Musk

    What current gaming platform(s) do you own?

    Which do you play the most/get the most satisfaction from?
  5. Musk

    What current gaming platform(s) do you own?

    Fairly high end PC and PS3. Thought about PSP... but nah.
  6. Musk

    Project Natal , AKA OMGOMGOMG MUST ****ING HAVE

    Warped.. How the hell do you have over 1900 posts since January this year?
  7. Musk

    Jack Thompson Playstation 2

    You killed it :'( Great job really but c'mon you could of chosen a better cover art surely.
  8. Musk

    Rate the last game you played

    Been plying prototype on PC. Max settings at 1920 x 1080 and it plays awesome, no flaws (quad core, 4gb ram, GTX 285). Game itself is very fun and challenging at times. The powers are very awesome, upgrades work well, havnt played too much to comment on story so far but seems alright. Playing...
  9. Musk

    Post a screenshot!

    Ohhh pixels.
  10. Musk

    Rock Band: The Beatles

    Might pass this one.... The songs really did not phase me at all. Except maybe the last two songs they played. Hehe Under the sea.
  11. Musk

    So heres whats going on at my school....

    I don't get it. Is it a joke? Whats with the cam guy?
  12. Musk

    Anti-newbie rage

    I still feel like the new guy here.. It's been over a year guys!
  13. Musk

    Rate the last game you played

    Naww well you'll probably get some free add on to make up for the delay :s
  14. Musk

    The Killing Floor

    It was fun. Like L4D thou it got repetitive. Game needs a single player story to it to give it some depth.
  15. Musk

    Red Orchestra + Darkest Hour = $5

    Heard the game wasn't that great but for $5 and the two extra MODS you can't really go wrong. I picked it up. Is there an active online community?
  16. Musk

    Post a screenshot!

  17. Musk

    Is masturbation wrong in the minds of pro-abortionists?

    Dodo you're awesome.
  18. Musk

    Rate the last game you played

    The first one? That game was ACE. After you got used to the idea of no auto save (Quit many times from tantrums because of this) It was really quite engaging and fun. And if you couldn't figure out where to go you could always just blow your way through a wall to get to the next area if you had...
  19. Musk

    Post a screenshot!

    Mmm I bought SC1. was thinking of getting Double Agent but held back simply because reviews were not favorable. So you reckon don't buy either? Also is Penumbra worth picking up? I know nothing about the game.
  20. Musk

    What do you see?

    Because you put the two together I say black man and white woman. If the man were by himself I'd say Black man. If the women were by herself I'd say just a women. Interesting how the mind works.