She's either cheating on you and you should break up with her immediately, or she isn't cheating on you and you don't trust her enough to ask which is an entirely different problem with your relationship. The right thing to do is to confront her about it and then break up with her if you aren't...
A powerful hose will do. It's also fairly discouraging, if you're a high priority target, if you manage to get all the toilet paper from the first wave cleaned up by the time the second wave is there.
I think it's going to update when you install, so I'm not sure if it's possible. I don't know if the gameplay has been affected seriously, but there were some odd changes that appeared to be an unintentional result of trying to update the engine. I decided against playing through it again for...
A grade point average is another way to represent the average letter grade received. A scale of 1.0 through 4.0 is the same as a scale of D through A.
I haven't attended a college and don't plan to attend for a similar reason as Maestro, but after having been required to receive at least 70...
I have seen suspicious behavior as well that is an obvious give away. I've seen it regarded as a random deathmatch if you kill that person, though, because you didn't actually witness them trying to murder someone or arming or tossing explosives.
I'm also having issues with suspect...
A lot of starving people are going to die in Africa soon. When they unwrap their generous donation and it's a bomb.
Then Drackard is going to realize his mistake and his enemies are going to be enjoying his leftovers.