Don't know if have properly introduced self


Sep 27, 2009
Reaction score
I have posted a few times before but i don't think i have actually introduced myself.

G'day and yes i am an Aussie
You don't seem Aussie.

Tell me, if you broke down at the side of the road in the middle of the bush because a Scallawakka tore open your tyres with one it's seventeen horns (not the pink one in case you think this is a trick question), what kind of plant do you stuff into the tyres to keep them solid and rigid?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Is this a song?

Because I don't know the next line


>: D
I always like the part about the Vegemite sandwich.
wow people broke out a song, there's still alot of things i havn't learnt about australia sadly
Our Australian influence will stretch and consume all.
First Pi, then, the forum!