Wonder if Vivendi would hold back Half Life 2 if it doesn't get released next month. Cause Tribes Vengeance is being released in october, and I doubt vivendi would let HL 2 and Tribes go head to head. Would cost them sales.
Doubt it, the warez version will most likely be out before HL 2 is released, unless Valve has found a way to prevent that.
Just hope they don't use that crappy Starforce protection , cause that shit can really mess your PC up badly.
If thats true then Vivendi/Valve have learn nothing from Doom 3. Which came a few weeks later in Europe, but was already warezed by many who couldn't wait before it got here...
Yea, I would be mad if it didnt have stand alone mp. Wouldn't even buy the game right away prolly. Cause im not really a single player guy. And CS : source is not my kind of game either. :(