I've been going so casual during the past month, Playstation Move and now Kinect. And yes, they're really fun to play!
I think I need to get my eyes checked, I've seen news about Kinect since the first announcement and only after buying did I notice that "shit moon it's Kinect, not Kinetic!"
If the opponent goes for lings and you go for roaches too early you'll get stomped, especially if you both go for FE. I've always felt like roaches come early enough (well maybe not on steppes). I'll try to find some replays where I go for roaches against bling/ling.
One thing you need to remember about mutas is that they really cost a shit ton in ZvZ. You can pump out like +10 roaches before he gets the mutas. Then just push out, it'll take a millennium for the mutas to kill the roaches. Just rolfstomp him, of course remember to throw down an evolution...
If I wasn't such a penniless hobo I'd buy the license and watch GSL games :'(
Damn, these mirror match ups make me want switch to protoss or terran. There's way more diversity in them :/
Hah! I have the same kind of reaction when I forget the first overlord "AH CRAP! Better 10 pool all-in!" I feel like I lose the flow of the game if I forget my first overlord, it's like eating warm ice cream :p
Nearing 2200 and I've been laughing my ass off when playing against terrans. I've seen that with 150apm you can lose 10 helions to roaches few roaches. I always thought that gas steal would negate any early banshee, but no, at 2200 every terran goes for banshees after a gas steal. Which is fun...
Well I can only give you tips on ZvT, but most important thing is to learn to split the marines. Spread the marines around so that banelings won't be effective. If you have marauders, always keep them in the front. I guess these are just basic tips, but I really can't remember a terran player...
God I'm so struggling against protoss. Stalkers are just the most ****ing amazing unit in the game, well right after marines, but rarely terrans know how to use marines.. :/
Edit: Dear god the advices people give in TeamLiquid are damn awful. "ima 2200 zerg and i do this" and then gives advices...
I might buy an US account, just need to test the latency first.
Also: http://www.sc2rep.com/ (DUN DUN), just to clarify, they put up some high level replays there, from the GSL I believe.
Well my goal was to get to 2000 before Christmas. I did that a month too early, so I'll set an unrealistic goal to get to the top200 in EU by the end of December. :D
I bought two move controllers and the Sports Champions. The tracking is accurate and it's actually really fun. We used to have a Wii for parties, but no one really liked anything on it, sports was damn boring gesture shit and the only function it had was making people pass out.
We had a...
Few matches away from 2000!
I must say I'm totally blown away on the level of Terran players I've been playing. These guys have frigging 1900-2100 points and the play ****ing terribly. CC's got huge amounts of energy, but hey, maybe he's scanning my zerglings and mutas.
On the positive side...
I'm really starting to struggle with Protoss. Goddamn gay ass phoenix/void ray in to colossus build. You can't build a single air unit, hydras don't do shit since he'll just pick up every single one of them, infestors are down right terrible. Well infestors are good if the toss is a paralyzed...
I wish there was an option to tick of that right click ******ry... Happens to me like every second time I inject.
Edit: What key resets the whole ****ing controll group? Getting so damn pissed, if my rally points aren't ****ed then my control group has reset to null. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Is there a hotkey for deleting/resetting rally points? It's really annoying when I have all hatcheries in one hotkey and suddenly I notice that one of them has lost all rally points...
Edit: Right clicking on a hatchery while it's selected will reset rally points :'/
I chose the arcane warrior route. Arcane warrior had the ability to exchange incoming damage to mana, if you have that on it'll drain mana quickly. When casting a spell the arcane warrior needs to unequip the weapon he's using and because of this casts spells with a delay.