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  1. lhauert

    Just a little question

    I'm a 128k user and when HL2 comes out I sure would like to get it as fast as I can, so here's my question: Is it possible to pay for the game, then download it on a computer with a fast connection (university) and then play the game on my computer at home ? (by copying files, temporary...
  2. lhauert

    A Momment Of Silence, As We Remember The Victims Of 9/11

    Tell me. You guys just seem to know the absolute Truth. Like I'm not supposed to have my own opinion (which doesn't matter anyway because we just can't communicate meaningfully). The only thing I'm sure about is that we're (almost) all waiting HL2...
  3. lhauert

    A Momment Of Silence, As We Remember The Victims Of 9/11

    And my post got closed...
  4. lhauert

    Merry September 11th !!

    Sorry but I guess you misunderstood: I was just celebrating the fact that in September 11th 1973, the US gov (Kissinger, Nixon, etc.) helped Pinochet to take power in Chile and "suicided" the democratically elected president Allende, thus killing thousands of people. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all...
  5. lhauert

    Merry September 11th !!

    Chill out man, nothing personal, we're only 5 billion to think differently.
  6. lhauert

    Merry September 11th !!

  7. lhauert

    The mistake in traptown movie(the answer)

    Was funny at first, just get boring now... Don't you think the game looks kind of blocky ??
  8. lhauert

    What mods are you most looking forward to?

    Mods ?? **** that, I'll just be glad the game comes out on the 30th ! SP all the way !!!
  9. lhauert

    Anarchy in the UK

    We'll have the same problem here in Switzerland. Pushed back to november... Hopefully we'll get the US version a couple of days after September 30th. That's what I think (and it's only my opinion): US will get it first physically (meaning it doesn't apply to STEAM) and then get here in...