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  1. Beerdude26

    My dad just had a heart attack.

    Just tell him to cut down on the tiny things aswell, like butter, salt and really fatty and greasy snacks. That already goes a very long way. And get him to eat more fish, more healthy fats in that, they'll help bring down cholesterol aswell. Oh and no more smoking aswell lol, unless he wants...
  2. Beerdude26

    Potential for Hilarity.

    LOL All conversations are public. ~~ You asked: VEGETA! What does the Scouter say about his power level?! ~~ Connected in chat session (44 seconds). ~~ The other user says: ITS OVER NINE-THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND You say: WHAT NINE-THOUSAND The other user has left chat.
  3. Beerdude26

    The worst feeling in the world

    No, because you don't expect it at all when you're walking on socks. When you're walking barefoot, you're a bit more cautious than when walking in socks.
  4. Beerdude26

    Dorms are small

    Oh, so that's why it costs 10k bucks every year. I get it.
  5. Beerdude26

    The worst feeling in the world

    Welcome to every two weeks of my life, although my sphincter is now so muscled it usually isn't an issue
  6. Beerdude26

    Miscellaneous the Second was unreachable for me just now D:
  7. Beerdude26

    Default Style vs Blue Style (2008 Edition)

    Tan 4 Life TAN STYLE --------------------------------------- BLUE STYLE
  8. Beerdude26

    Ati Hd4870

    Haha, perfect. The consumer is getting loads of perks out of this battle :D
  9. Beerdude26

    Hardest Game

    Man, you should see the final level. It's ridiculous lol
  10. Beerdude26

    GTA4 Naked Gun

    Haha, I loved the rollercoaster :laugh:
  11. Beerdude26

    Really horrible/inspiring photos

    So here I come back, very humbled by that SA thread and you instantly make me laugh at one of the saddest stories in there. You're such a bastard Stern :laugh:
  12. Beerdude26

    Swat 4

    Right I'll be on at midnight EST (7 AM for me D: ), someone better be there!
  13. Beerdude26

    The Spore Challenge!

    Awww :D
  14. Beerdude26

    The most epic Rube Goldberg Machine on the internetz!

    Oh man that was incredible :D
  15. Beerdude26

    Jesus fails to answer prayers, teen dies

    /enters thread At first I was like :( But then I was like :D
  16. Beerdude26

    I've just had a really SHITTY day...

    I have Het in a crate
  17. Beerdude26

    Swat 4

    Torrented version + crack also works perfectly fine in MP, I used the 1.1 crack to play with Krynn yesterday (I'm too lazy to put the CD in each time) EDIT: Oh and here's staticprimer's link: And French Ninja's...
  18. Beerdude26

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    NUCLEAR RAEP DETECTED Get your marines in sum bunkers D: