well anywayz, it's just a non-serious thing made up to look like a proper application :) All these help wanted threads are way to serious these days, well, the replies are, so it's just to lighten the atmos a little :D
Hi, our mod is doing fairly well atm during it's production stages and we have a small to medium sized community on our forums (when compared to other mods, but extremely large compared to our direct rivals community). We also have a large staff, but could always used another coder to help our...
i'm sure he (and like every other mod out there) would rather release his mod first, THEN show off code, rather than the other way around... thats if he wanted to show off the actual code :)
if you mean "fantasy" and "not real world sounds" as in "anime" or "cartoon" kinda stuff, then i could help you out through some contacts of mine, if not finding a use for you on my own mod, though we already have a pretty full sound staff, however ambient loops isn't really something we have...
man Houndeye, thats an f'n great idea for a mod tbh. You play as a n00b mod leader that does anything and everything to get his rip off idea made into a mod. It's basically a puzzeler game, but you can do stuff like tracking IP's so you can hunt down modders in the real world and threaten them...
yup, i pressed sumbit twice by mistake, and it did the same post twice, so i editted one post so it had nothing that matters in it and a moderator can delete if they want. not that it matters now anywayz :)
i could help with texture artist position, but i'd like to know more about the mod, and not just it's name. i added you on msn thou so u can tell me what i wanna know ;) I can also help with animation if required, but i'm sure there's better ppl at it than me, so would only help in that area as...
i've not seen that source mmorpg Twilight War in some time, but they've made maps bigger in the more traditional sense, so can't see why it's not possible in hl2. Though if scaling is the only option, it's worth taking. The main draw back in scaling is that you can lose some degree of psyhics...
tbh, u sound like the perfect leader, cos u don't wanna be it :D I already run a mod otherwise i help run it :) It started out as noleader, but i was organising stuff so really i just became the leader by default, and i'm sure that'll happen to you :)
You also sound like you have a lot of...
for solving the issue of boats being water based and hl2 only really supporting land based stuff. there are mapping ways around this i expect, if you try at least. For example, make it so they are technically land based vehicles. By this i mean you just make an invisible platform that is covered...
have a massive fan on the back of the boat so it can blow the sails :) now why they decided to make a fan blow a sail instead of putting the fan in the water to give more speed, i dunno, thats your job to work out concepts and explainations to post-apoc technology :D
maybe you could make some...
check that out, it's listed there. also some cool ones, like ...
Phallophobia- Fear of a penis, esp erect <---lol
Barophobia- Fear of gravity <---lol how do they live?
when stating to go visit a website for more details, it's usually good practice to include an address to that website, since i have literally millions of websites i could go to if i wished to randomly guess where the site is ;)
nm thou, i see a link to it in jheaddon's signature. will check u...