:| Fine, short version, 3drealms is cursed, which resulted in two complete Prey dev teams leaving the project(The first time the whole team except for the engine programmer left to join/form new companies. The second time the project leader and engine programmer left, then the rest of the team...
Tokin, it sounds more like you're a TF2 fan than a TFC fan. Sure, some TFC fans may not like the art style, but I doubt they would rather play a slightly different version of BF2 than a new TFC.
Well since I can tell the trailer is in 2fort, I guess I can post in here now, as my initial concern was that even though they got rid of the serious parts of TF2, it might still not be like TFC.
I guess each source MP game has come initially with what...2-5 maps? So I'd say 2fort(Obviously)...
ITS CALLED EXAGGERATION. Its a very common thing in cartoons/cartoon-ish things. Notice the scale of the whole room; The baseboard goes to their ankles, the plug is a little above that, the radio is at chest level, and the bell is a little above their head. Its all in the right...
I like it in terms of graphics, as that's all I can judge now. It seems more fitting that characters like that are flying around the map, and its also alot more interesting than the "lol, camo" style of TFC.
Like TFC in terms of movement, overall match flow and speed(Especially keeping flags out, thats one thing that added alot more depth than traditional CTF). I'd like to see more differences in weapons both in and between classes; Maybe not every class have shotgun, and no classes have two...
I love the style, and how they made each class very unique, unlike the everybody in camo style of TFC.
But my biggest hope is that this unrealistic style means they've gone back to classic TF gameplay, which originally they were planning on changing.
Every frickin team in world cup has players who dive, deal with it. However, not every team has a ****ing IDIOT for a star player, who decides it will be fun to get himself kicked out of the game and bring his team down one player and destroy any chance they had to win without going into PKs...
Mr. Reak, TDE, Veggies, Ennui(Yay TM), the OP4 group, and all the people that entertained me when I hid from all the new members in the Site Feedback and Art forums.(Especially anyone who contributed to any of the legendary threads like "Draw the Forum" and the hl2.net comic)