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  1. Kitfox

    Secret Nasa photos

    Why is there a women in the photo album...
  2. Kitfox

    Very, Very Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not

    Let me tell you a story. I was a virgin for the longest time then I met a women and we had sex like bunnies for a month... then the condom broke... now she might be pregnant. She took plan B but shes about 1 week late with her period now... The end.
  3. Kitfox

    Life philosophy

    I can't seem to stick with one philosophy. I change my beliefs on a monthly basis. At one point i was in an almost sick state cause any idea i would come up with to live my life by i'd have to automatically reject sceptically. Currently I'm in a type of Wittgensteinian Philosophy claiming that...
  4. Kitfox

    Vatican updates list of mortal sins

    This is bad but not entirely bad. I liked the part about not widening the gap between rich and poor. Of course the whole thing would feel more legitimate if one of those mortal sins was "hatred or prejudice against other religions". On the other hand this is gonna start up lots of religious protest.
  5. Kitfox

    Custom Gordon Freeman action figure

    I think its totally awesome other then the part where the legs and torso come together it look a little off.
  6. Kitfox

    Possible Soldier and Pyro changes revealed

    I don't wanna sound negative. But I play pyro quite a lot and to me it seems like this would make him a bit out of balance in the score department as it seems alot of people use the run in and flame the shit out of everything tactic.
  7. Kitfox

    TF2 update

    Looks to me like someones polish.
  8. Kitfox

    New Radiohead Album "In Rainbows" in TEN DAYS

    I'm addicted to this entire album its like crack.
  9. Kitfox

    Was it all part of the test? (spoilers)

    A friend mentioned that every time you walk through the aperture offices there is stuff everywhere that links it more firmly into the half-life universe but i never noticed anything.. gonna have to play again...
  10. Kitfox

    Why is Bioshock so slow?

    I'm running windows Vista. I have a Core 2 Duo T5250 A Geforce 8400M GS 2047 DDR2 The demo runs slow on all settings ): help
  11. Kitfox

    explain your avatar part duex

    Kaotic Individual Trained for Fighting Online Xenocide
  12. Kitfox

    Maddox update sometime today...

    Today means next week. This Week means next month. This month means forget about it it will appear one day.
  13. Kitfox

    Do you believe in an "afterlife"?

    Everyone should stop thinking about death and start enjoying life If anyone has studied the brain in anyway you soon realize that everything is just based on random neurons firing in your brain. Really kills the magic of it. Of course we can stretch our...
  14. Kitfox

    Mario + Sonic = Somebody Divided by Zero :O

    What they need to do is make sonic a playable character in Super Smash Bro Brawl. When this happens the world is over.
  15. Kitfox

    Oh noes! Moar proof gaming corrupts

    On a related note: I seriously think that listening to INITIAL D music while driving should be outlawed.
  16. Kitfox

    Star Craft
  17. Kitfox

    PCG Review for CnC3

    EA will never get any of my money. I still hate them tremendously for shutting down Westwood Studios. Bit torrent time.
  18. Kitfox

    is it ok to be racist towards some races?

    Racism as in "hatred" of people that are different from you is wrong no matter what race. On the other hand Racism is one of the funniest things on the planet when not backed by hatred or done on purpose to make some one mad. **** people getting offended.
  19. Kitfox

    Orange Snow in Russia...

    You know they probably told the workers that were sent in to bury Chernobyl nuclear reactor under concrete that it was safe too.