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  1. Alix Mcdean

    What was the Munro Incident?

    Dude, after the Munro incident, I was talking to some of my l33t buddies who are like, tottaly against the goverment and stuff, and like we figured out that the Munro incident was a coverup. Suddenly right after like, hundreds of biozeminades busted into my buddies houses and like tottaly pwned...
  2. Alix Mcdean

    Real-Life Bullet Time...

    Lawl! I know rite?!11 I mean what kind of a noob uses a glock 18, why, those are only for the noobest of noobs. /me eats his glock 18 quickly. What? :| -Alix
  3. Alix Mcdean

    My eye keeps twitching

    I have a twitch on my right side of my face. Usualy just under my right eye lid to the corner of my eyelid heading towards my temple, however I also get it with my mouth and crap :(. I sleep just fine 8+ hours. I dont even drink anything other than water. D: Am I going to die? -Alix
  4. Alix Mcdean

    Splinter Cell 4 info ....sort of

    BEST SPLINTAR CELL GAME EVAR!11 :D I'd pay 60$ for that. -Alix I need to stop lying.
  5. Alix Mcdean


    Happy birthday :D -Alix
  6. Alix Mcdean


    LIEZ!11 -Alix
  7. Alix Mcdean

    buying a $6500 doll. how many of you would sink that low?

    ROFL! I just thought of someone trying to shove the whole doll into a normal sized microwave. Trying to close the door with legs and arms sticking out. -Alix
  8. Alix Mcdean

    The Real "SPASM 2" HL2 Music Movie

    Well, that was complete and utter crap. However, I did chuckle a bit when I saw breen's giant grin. -Alix
  9. Alix Mcdean

    Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

    I like it :D I'd suggest givving it a go, I mean come on, no monthly fee? HECK YES :D -Alix
  10. Alix Mcdean

    Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

    Heck yes :D If thats alright. -Alix
  11. Alix Mcdean

    Bahahaha, the looks on their faces

    ...*pulls up a chair, sits down* Okay, you see Gh0stie boy, when a man loves a woman...or...a man is incredibly horny and has a few houndred to toss around..*makes alot of visual hand movements* -Alix
  12. Alix Mcdean

    Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

    AWWW MAN! :D I tottaly just got this game today, I like it so far. Ingame guessed it- Alixander Mcdean -Alix
  13. Alix Mcdean

    If this was my mom...

    ...what? :| -Alix
  14. Alix Mcdean

    If this was my mom...

    Wow, sounds like my mom sometimes. =/ -Alix Edit: :O Whoa, sounds just like my mom actualy(Not by voice or anything, but rather how she goes about yelling at me over the most moronic of things, while calling me names and completely freaking out like that.)
  15. Alix Mcdean

    My left hand.

    I pop like 20 steroids every other hour. It helps with the artistic edge. I have like, giant muscles and viens now. It made my penis really small tho ;( What? -Alix
  16. Alix Mcdean

    Hillarious Harry Potter Spoiling Video

    ROFL!! The guy was a real ass, but that last reaction from that fan. " bitch!...YOU BITCH! D:! " :D -Alix
  17. Alix Mcdean

    My left hand.

    Thanks :) I've tried graphite before, not too fond of it and i've been trying to get more and more into pen and ink, hence why its my 3rd time..and also in pen and ink. :D -Alix
  18. Alix Mcdean

    My left hand.

    Aye my hands are a bit ugly, probably due to the acid and other chemicals i've had poured over them :x -Alix
  19. Alix Mcdean

    My left hand.

    Well, it is! I know, it doesnt look the greatest, but its only my third time using a ballpoiint pen. I didint use any rulers or guides. Just eyeball'd my left hand while sketching on a pad with my right. *shrug* P.S. No, thats not a...
  20. Alix Mcdean

    If any of the main characters were to die who would you choose?

    All I can say is- -Alix