Search results

  1. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

    The servers have gone (#15 - #25)... strange...
  2. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

    New servers, go check....!!!!
  3. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

    Now there is a runtime error every time I update the page.... very annoying :P
  4. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

    Maybe they forogt to update the page :P
  5. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

    "This page last updated: 11:04am, September 23 2003 (Pacific Time, GMT -8) Warning: This data is over 10 minutes old and may be out of date." ;)
  6. R

    7 days= 1 week.....

  7. R

    It is happening ;)
  8. R


    ... or adding new servers?
  9. R


    Oh my.... this could be it :D
  10. R

    Attn: Look in the games folder in steam, there's a few HL2 files

    "icon_hl2_media_dull.tga and icon_hl2_media.tga" The 'hl2_media' gives it away a bit. Remember the Half Life 2 media... that's all this is for.
  11. R

    Awesome New Mod For Half-life 2

    Why don't you just piss off?
  12. R


    It's always been official.
  13. R

    Hand crab... Zombie... Ant Lion....

    ... this could go on forever :D
  14. R

    Hand crab... Zombie... Ant Lion....

    .. more like thousands
  15. R

    Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT details finalised

    God... I have to wait till after this card is released... that's way too long :D
  16. R

    Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT details finalised

    Should I wait for this card to be released, or buy a 9800 Pro?
  17. R

    "Hope is the denial of reality."

    Errr.... Pardon?
  18. R

    genocide604 says pre release will be confirmed for tuesday tonight.

    *gives you some salt* I suggest you take a pinch of it ;)
  19. R

    Nvidia servers

    Not exactly.. each nVidia server has the same bandwidth as the Telewest server... they just have two of them ;)
  20. R

    7 Days

    How do you know CD production has not started? And don't forget about Steam ;)