Droper, if they are smart, they will separate some servers and dedicated them to the task of patching, authentication etc. It would be foolish to use the same servers that serve up CS, DOD, etc.
Yes. They have already discussed a 64bit recompile, however, you'd need a 64 bit versions of Windows to run it. Otherwise, HL2 should run very nicely on one :) That chip has amazing FPU capability. As for chip instruction sets like SSE2, etc. Not sure... Probably though.
All I know is that I won't give a hat about the reviews for the first month, I'll be playing the hell out of it, once I emerge from my cave, then I'll read some other opinions ; )
Yep, and it's not used to make giant, complex 3D structures, I.E. you won't see an ant lion made out of a normal map ;) You will, however, see say, a rocky wall made out of a normal map. If you look at the downforce scoop on the ferrari illustration, it DOES indeed look 3D. On a wall, you...
THT = The chemical substance in weed, Verrrry clever :) I think we have the winner?
I just found this article on Tom's
Now, just think of this in relation to HL2 and the precision modes, a great explanation. I'm trying to find more on this on microsoft's site, if I do, I will post! Precision, it seems, is...
CS finally installed, however it bound movement to the mouse, and NOTHING would fix it. Antialiasing also severely corrupted the text in the menu... It also downloaded these "HEADSHOT" RAMPAGE etc. UT sounds and won't stop using them, I deleted it, maybe a re-download will help ;)