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  1. Harryz

    The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

    I can't believe Infinity Wards paid whoever to write the dialogue/script, its so bad, just bad.
  2. Harryz

    Are you going to purchase COD4: MW2 :: The re-count

    Got my PC version in the post today. Then realised I have to wait till the 10th - steam activation. I didn't even realise it was coming out next week.
  3. Harryz Site Layout Update

    I would of thought a darker theme would be the wrong route to take, but its looks a lot better than the old theme. Great job Yorick.
  4. Harryz

    Valve Are Aware of the Europe Prices Issue

    "Yes, we agree that some of the prices for third party products are higher then what you can find locally but we are working to fix that." It doesn't take a year to fix it. Its been a very anti-Valve day for me.
  5. Harryz

    Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Now Available For All

    Wow, what a half-arsed job from Valve. It feels like an EA game. It reeks of mediocrity.
  6. Harryz


    So my brother wants me to pick this up for co-op. Worth picking up? From what I've seen I'm not really impressed.
  7. Harryz

    Schwarzenegger Gives California Legislature A Hidden Finger
  8. Harryz

    Clocks changed

    Yeah, I booked squash in the morning, luckily my phone adjusted itself or I would got there before it even opened.
  9. Harryz

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Pre-order on Steam

    I was going to pick it up on Steam, but no way at that price. Brothers getting it for me for £25 off some site.
  10. Harryz

    Kane and Lynch Movie update

    Shit game, shit movie confirmed.
  11. Harryz

    Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Details Arrive

    The first Valve game that I couldn't care less about. I probably pick it up when its really cheap.
  12. Harryz

    Films: Rate and Discuss

    Best part of the movie:
  13. Harryz

    2012 - Theatrical Trailer 2

    You have to appreciate the sheer scale of the movie. Get out.
  14. Harryz

    holy shit mickey mouse got badass

    Looks nothing like the concept art.
  15. Harryz

    Oh yeah.

    Didn't Ben 10 have one of those?
  16. Harryz

    The Expendables promo trailer

    TwwIX pretty much summed it up, it just looks so uninspired.
  17. Harryz

    Uncharted 2 IGN Video Review

    Are you sure he didn't mistake it for the collector's edition?
  18. Harryz

    Escape from City 17

    A bit late.. Also:
  19. Harryz

    Uncharted 2 IGN Video Review

    So, whos picked it up? Thoughts? Impressions?
  20. Harryz


    No one heard of spoiler tags? As for the movie: