If anyone is interested in modeling/animating, I'd be interested in creating a game in the vein of the Max Payne 2 TC I made.
See sig for info. Except the IP would be original, and the game would be multiplayer. PM me for more details :-)
Or if you're just plain interested in working with me...
I hope MW2 tanks horribly(but it probably won't). This is however, an acceptable complaint about steamworks, and I'm sure Valve is going to rectify it eventually.
That is quite possibly the most retarded thing I have ever read. Steam has proven itself as a great platform time and time again. If he thinks that he is going to gain anything by bashing what is likely to be one of the key online distributors of the future, he's dead wrong.
My only problem...
I love that IW never talks about what happens when you get matched up with someone trying to play on 56k... I really love teleporting across the map in games. Not to mention host advantage... always a huge factor when dealing with peer to peer action games.
Why nobody has brought this up, and...
I don't know why people haven't though of this simple, and likely implementation of defibs"
They don't bring people back from death, they just instantly make incapacitated players stand up. That's what I'm expecting, as I don't really see the other alternative happening due to limitations.
What exactly did you think this show was going to be? In fact, you watch True Blood? You might want to check and see if your penis is still there, as you are showing serious lack of judgement Kadayi :-P
I watched about 3 episodes of True Blood with my girlfriend before I started getting...
Yeah ok, whatever you say. Nothing I enjoy more than watching a bunch of whiny Puerto Rican actor emo kids cry for an entire season.
Season 2 was terrible, even without a writers strike.
Add me, suckas!
Rico The Mad
We need to have a HL2.net game
Also Bakurei:
My games usually last ~30 to 40 mins, so you may just be getting stuck on long games. The norm is 30 mins or so.
Reversing a string:
something kinda like this (untested)
string subtitle = "test";
string reverse = string.empty;
for (int i = subtitle.Length; i > 0; i--)
reverse += subtitle[i];
Basically starts at end of the string, and copies each character from end to beginning into a...
Looking to upgrade my computer once more sometime soon, but I was wondering, is it really a good time to do it?
I have:
C2D e7200 @ 2.5 Ghz
2GB DRR2 800
Nvidia 8800GT
Slot LGA 775 Mobo
My computer handles current games fine, so I'm not desperate to upgrade or anything. I'm waiting for i7...