1. I was held back at a very young age because I diddnt want to do work in class. 2. I'm staying an extra year at high school to pick up extra credits for my College coarse.. so yes he wants ME to do it for him and yes im 19 and in highschool for legitimate reasons. savvy?
Hey guys, my friend asked me if I would be able to take a summer high school math coarse for him to get a better grade then he had got, its a 10 day one cus he passed with a 51. I really dont think ill do it....but If I do go and impersonate him and get caught what could happen? I'm just curious...
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could recommend a really good 2 player ps2 game, preferably RPG style like diablo or Champions of norrath. But if no RPG co-op games come to mind I would like to hear about any other co-op games from different genres as well except sports games. Thanks alot guys.
By money getting involved you mean you spend way to much on her and shes now spoiled or when you spend money on her you want her to spend an equal amount back on you and you get into arguments about it?
Hey guys I have a simple question for anyone who has played champions of norrath. Is it possible to play this game offline with 2 people on one playstation 2? I know you can play online with people but I dont have online and I wanted to play with my friend on the same playstation. Thanks alot guys.
If I get 2 of them then I wont be able to upgrade any of the other components in my computer because it costs to much and I would need a new motherboard to support a new graphics card anyways. I need to spend the 800 bucks on all of the parts not just one area.
Hey guys, my computer is about 3 years old and im looking to upgrade some parts in it.
Currently I have:
Radeon 9800 pro 256.
1.5 ghz of ddr pc3200(200 mhz) 3x 512 sticks.
some sorta old asus motherboard that is a required upgrade if I want to upgrade my graphics.
and a terrible 50 gig...
I kinda like the fact that they sound unatural, what type of programs can do it on the fly just with you talking into the mic? Do you know the name of one I could purchase?
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has ever used a Auto Tuner or knows about them. I was wondering what exactly they are... if its a software program where you load it up and speak through the mic and it adds the effect in real time.. or if its a peice of hardware. I was recently thinking about...
Yeah I was really hoping for Diablo 3 but I guess it wont happen yet again. It pisses me off when the guy asks the crowd to cheer for each game warcraft, starcraft, WoW, and he doesnt even mention Diablo at all lol.
I was wondering if anyone was going to be following whats going on this year, I havent seen any threads started yet so I thought id start my own. I think it will be running from august 3rd to the 5th. I hear theres a couple of secret game announcements...
Just make sum1 set the parental time lock thing for you and make them not tell u the password. Tadaa 5 hours max a week. I practicly spend more time during the week droping deuces then playing WoW.
The made up starwars character from the starwars game for the n64 :S. I dont really remember his name or the game name but in the end you blow up the big ship from the inside. When you try and fly out it doesnt really seem as if you make it but he might have, I guess they left it up for you to...