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  1. Caminante

    Valve owes you NOTHING

    Oh noes. Perhaps this forum should be shotdown until Valve finally decides to release the game in the summer of 2010.
  2. Caminante

    Valve owes you NOTHING

    My goodness! Ofcourse Valve does not owes anything. What a preposterous argument, i may add. However, there is something called "appreciation" and "respect" - two terms that apparently you aren't too familiar with - for the people who buys your products or in other words support your work! I am...
  3. Caminante

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    I think the most apropiate word would be "realistic". Don't you agree fan boy?:D. I'm sure, he would soon find a better job some where else. :)
  4. Caminante

    How to fight back with Valve!!!: a legal know how

    What year is the game actually due? :confused:
  5. Caminante

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    eeehh....gentelman, Valve hasn't confirmed anything yet, meaning it may well slip right through late or early next year. Let Valve finish the game in peace or haven't most of you heard of a little game named "FarCry"? :cheese:
  6. Caminante

    CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

    I knew the actual game won't be released this April. Therefore here i go again with my rather pessimist comments again. I'd say the game will be coming out either late or early next year. :E
  7. Caminante

    Release Month Betting Pool!

    Where is the 2005 option? :D
  8. Caminante

    HL2 delayed again?

    I will second that. Most game developers usually released some sort of demo at least 3 months before their game actually is done. Valve hasn't said, released any type of media nor statement regarding the game's progress, which leads me to belive the game won't be released this year. Despite...
  9. Caminante

    First time back since the delay and I had a question.

    So the delay is indeed official? I've been too buzy at FarCry's boards lately. :cheese:
  10. Caminante

    'Beta' amnesty

    I just hope that Gave himself be fallowig the progress of this thread, so he could be pleasanty surprice to know that the leaked Beta did not change people's opinions in any way. I'd say that, most hardcore gamers roughly 80% - i'm reffering to those who buy the game upon released- usually join...
  11. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    You know what is your problem; you just won't give credict where is due period. I've shown or rather posted screen after screen, so that you could draw a vissual comparation between both engine rendering and yet, you still won't admit it.
  12. Caminante

    'Beta' amnesty

    I though you were a Linux user..... I guess you just like the pinguin avatar. :)
  13. Caminante

    'Beta' amnesty

    I played and could not stop playing it for days - all the annoyances could ot overshadow the fun.:D To be honest, it did not make me feel any different nor did it change my mind about the final version of the game. I've always stated that, i would buy HL2 even if it comes out in 2006. All this...
  14. Caminante

    Just a rumor so don't panic :) (was: Half Life 2 Delayed... AGAIN)

    It'd be true, the game certainly won't be release this year. It'd be great if an official source would confirm this rumors. I feel sorry for those fanboys who bought the Radeon 9800XT for the HL2 cupon.
  15. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Sparta you are talking as though you had the opportunity to play both game STALKER and Doom3 and also had a chance to try the SDK as well. Fanboy!
  16. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    vann7 and you seem to be one the few people around here with commun sence. By the way, these HL2 screene shown are the most horrible yet, they don't look any better then any actual game out there. And yes, it's true, HL2 water effects look outstanding indeed - kudos to Valve, i was really blewn...
  17. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    What does that exactly has to do with who has the best graphics? I can't really see how that is going to make game graphicaly better...?
  18. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Actually, i'm no fanboy of either game, as a matter of fact, i've stated several times already that, i will buy both games regarless. The game's graphics as whole aren't all that. As for Deus Ex2 running like a dog on most systems - if that what you ment- it's mainly due to bad coding, not...
  19. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Owesome reply and very detailed indeed, i most say. However, whether Doom3's engine will be able to render nice water and fire effects has yet to be seen - which i'm most certain, it definably will- in more detail. There seems to be fire on some of the media but, but it can't be clearly...
  20. Caminante

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Another fanboy :dork: Perhaps you'd need to take at this Far Cry and Doom3 and you'd displasantly surprice to find out that, this two gaming ingens are capable of renderring both "soft" and "hard" shadows. By the way, the reason why shadows appear to be too dark and hard on Doom3 is because...