I think the whole sage is quite ridiculous now. I mean how FAR away with their estimates where they when they said 30/9. HL1 was delayed one year, this is delayed OVER a year. Its amazing!
The two things I cant believe are
1. We know nothing about The CE and Multiplayer.
I want to pre...
I have to be on the side of the Bad Valve group for the first time.
I've been waitign for this gamr for 5-6 years ish now. Ever since I finished HL1. I've been through all the delays still giving ValvE the benifit of the doubt.
They dont owe me anything of course not, but pure and simply...
I've seen it. It spoils bits of the plot i guess, but no-where near what i thought. This might not go down well, but it has fueled me to play the game, ten fold.
Also, if you have an inch of imagination, you could work it out yourself.
Now...I guess many wont believe me but I have no room to lie. its your choice.
I emailed and asked Doug a while back 2-3 months i think, to ask if press would get copies before the release so we had a review before the game came out and his reply was:
Some will, some wont. Thanks for your...
Thats what he said...on planetHL comments box.
Why doesnt he just give us the info and then when ever he gets the pics, post them then. I'd rather have info over 2-3 days than a big block.
I dont know if it is but...
Ive seen alot and i mean ALOT, but i havent seen this before!
That is exactly what I am saying!!
Has Valve held enough from us to stop the game from being too familiar.
I saw 3 mins of Far Cry action but there was alot of times whilst playing the game, I thought "...oh yeah I remember..."