guys look what phl has posted "PlanetHalf-Life believes HL2 will miss 9/30 and possibly even slip to 2004. "
oh god the possibilities are endless, will overload? will the worlds power shut off? will president bush declare his love for half life 2 and send in the troops to storm...
i made one a few years ago- those things pack a punch. I like the way the shape of the gun looks with the pvc piping- i think i rather have a rocket instead though.
all of these great ideas could work if the land itself was shaped so that you dont need stairs, bridges, and ect to get to a certain part of a map that is vital to the mod- essentially you can model and outfit a whole battle arena- for instance creating amap similar to the famous saving private...
actually thats why i said each level has a fixed set of weapons- the weapons are releated to the theme of each level and cant be transported between the levels. The game would be more based around the one time action found in each match- however i have yet to develop any ideas as to how...
Im not a noob to moding in genral, just to the half life modding scene. What are some of the hl2 mods that we know are currently in development and look promising?
HEY GUYS that must be the secret gabe was talking about- remember he said we never found the last one- i bet you it ties into a weapon we are getting that wasnt shown- or a secondary fire function.
:afro: Hey everyone check this out:
Quotes by three6Mafi:
"Just like the people who are homophobic and constantly call people fags, ARE actually gay themselves."
"gay. dont start more bullshit"
"You are gay, friend." (this one was edited in by him later)