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  1. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    whats this talk about a beta, i thought it was officially released. I am confused.
  2. Mac

    Next-Gen Game teasers from EA.

    battlefield 1942 was good, but the expansion packs on the other hand added very little imo for the cost of almost a full game. something i would call a 'cashgrabber' and nothing more, wich i don't tend to liking very well.
  3. Mac

    what is Ravenholm (noob question)

    He probably knew the 'zombies' before they turned into such, and is still attached to them somehow, in a bittersweet manner. He seems to chant things as he's killing them that would suggest this.
  4. Mac

    Does anyone rememeber that wierd XPAC?

    I think you were hallucinating :D read: I've never heard of such a thing
  5. Mac

    Norway Under Siege: Resistance Updates

    thats a crime in and of itself.
  6. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    I've never tried mmorpg's either. My gaming 'career' started with doom2, a fps, and i haven't looked back since.. I'm addicted to first person shooters. I could never get into RTS type games or mmorpgs. You just dont get that instant gratification in rts's/mmorpg's that you do in the fragfest...
  7. Mac

    Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)

    I will still accuse you of inappropriate flaming. I'll just have to include spartan in my accusations as well. Just because one person does it doesn't give you the right to. thats all I have to say on this subject, I don't mean to derail the thread anymore.
  8. Mac

    Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)

    alright, so I did this, and low and behold the conversation was going just fine until you said This is where it started to turn stale. Please keep comments like this to yourself. It does nothing for the conversation at hand and just turns things into a big flame war. Lets be civilized, shall we?
  9. Mac

    Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)

    what a fanboyish statement. care to back up your sentiment with facts, or are you just going by blind judgement?
  10. Mac

    Xbox 2 game: WarDevil (with UE3 like graphics)

    not to derail this thread any farther, but im going to have to defend spartan here. If you can't argue without being a troll, don't argue at all. And if you ask yourself: "Why me, a troll?" when you can't argue without namecallling, I'd consider it 'trollery'. quit with the personal attacks...
  11. Mac

    An Awesome vs. a Perfect Game: SPOILERS!

    omg hl2 sux my a$$or!!!111 on a serious note, i agree with you guys. :cheers:
  12. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    Someone in that thread said they would have cought him long before he had a chance to reach 60 if he was hacking.
  13. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    god i want this game so bad, my wallet is empty though
  14. Mac

    HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

    why dont you wait to show us something that is done before askin for input? i mean how can we ask you to improve when your not even close to done yet? my suggestion: finish it first.
  15. Mac

    Dystopia Media Update

    looks awesome, cant wait.
  16. Mac

    team deathmatch much better than single dm...

    i love this idea, and you dont even need a mod really, just like server rules or somethin.. but yah a mod would help
  17. Mac

    Read! Reason For Hl2dm Lag!

    I'd say for all the physics calculations, your gonna need dual athlon 64 3200+s. 4gb of DDR 600 RAM and, that should do it.
  18. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    thats just incredible, no bugs for such a huge game, thats quite an accomplishment. Can't wait for xmas break, i might actually have time to play me too :naughty:
  19. Mac UK Deathmatch Server - Sponsored by

    excellent server even though its across the atlantic ocean from me. good times. I take back my earlier statement about the netcode being shitty. You just got to find the right server.
  20. Mac

    Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

    couple of questions for ya guys. How is the netcode, is it smooth, no lag? and have they squashed all the bugs yet? i dont want to be spending my money until i know its perfect.