Ok, well I've fired up 3dsmax, I've modeled as people suggested, I've kept it basic, see attached file for output, simply 4 walls, and a floor, texturing is pretty close, floor isn't that well polished, brick is kinda like that, and the walls are just white/off white paint, but I don't...
is it supposed to be the standard banner width and height of 468x60 ? Or did you want it at a set size or what? should it be dynamic? horozontal or vertical? Info people info!
I'm fairly comfortable in photoshop, and before I start making complex models, I want to learn the lighting effects, any tips? sorry for going of track stone, but I'm getting bored waiting for another update :P
Hmm, I'm not to sure how you did that, but if I didn't read the description, here's what I see:
A photograph of terrain and builting.
A 3d rendered hat on top, and I don't see why it's even there to be honest.
So, is that backdrop rendered? if so....OMFG!
I'm really wanting to learn 3d stuff, I just did my first bumpmap, ya it's pretty easy, but making my own, and trying to line it up with the texture, I'd be lost. Actually, I don't even know how to place a texture ;(
Ahrg, I lost the PSP file, damn.
And what's with this, read up the top, every comment wanted to get rid of the HUD, and now that it's gone, nothing, no comment on if it looks better or worse! What with the mind games allready!
maybe so you don't say something very insulting, and then after starting a massive flame war just go and change it to something totally different, there needs to be some kind of record, but it's still annoying.
well let's see the next update!!!!
and something else, are you going to implement bump mapping or anything like that into your surfaces? I wouldn't know how to do this myself, but I know the effect is pretty good.
splinter cell needed the dynamic lighting, and from what I've heard, h-l2 has dynamic lighting all over the place too, I'd say you can shoot out some lights, and some will have a gause thing over them, either way, I don't see it helping you out too much in h-l2 since it's not focused in that...
Ah this isn't fair, I have got my mate's dad's copy of 3dsmax 5, he's on hollidays for a while and won't be using it, but I don't know how to use it, I can get a sphere, woot! oooh look, a teapot, I'll do the teapot fellas, I've got you covered :P I can't wait for your next update, I was looking...
Haha, I couldn't much this game up as much as Stair Dismount, but I did manage to get the person's head stuck inside the wall after he was rammed by the truck, got me a score of over 98 000 I was so annoyed, so close to the big 100k
The thing I like most about H-L2 is that I've allready paid for it, so it will seem like I'm walking into the store, and picking up a copy for zip, hehe.