CSR Banner

not bad...thanks for the fast reply but i dont like the rigid outline along the font....could you please change that in some way or design a new banner. i really appreciate your service and i would be glad to link to you on CSR
ur site already has a banner
yea , dont do things that arent needed. thats like saying he needed an army.
Originally posted by eyesore
yea , dont do things that arent needed. thats like saying he needed an army.

HAHAHA!!!....hey wait a min...i need an army!!!! GIVE ME AN ARMY:::GEERRR!!
oohboy.. I hope these will be the last 2 request threads. I find those threads annoying. Ask a good artist by pm. to make you a banner or so.
is it supposed to be the standard banner width and height of 468x60 ? Or did you want it at a set size or what? should it be dynamic? horozontal or vertical? Info people info!
I think he means a topimage. I see that mistake made alot. A topimage is a nice images that goeas at the top of your website with your logo or some nice graphics that represent whats your website about. A banner is a graphic similar as your topimage only you have a predefined height (468 x 60 pixels for example) and the graphic should attract visitors. so you shouldput a attractive slogan on it to attract visitors. The banners are often used to be out into a banner rotation that puts your banner into a script that displayes your banner over thousand of websites that have also signed up with this system.

So he should actually be asking for a "TopImage"
a banner like for other sites to put t advertise us....the one we have is a topimage
oh and thanks BWMASTER :) i might modify it a little

EDIT: and since you guys have seen the site...what do you think of it?
Good design... i don't see the point in changing that banner... but i like it
Originally posted by Omer
a banner like for other sites to put t advertise us....the one we have is a topimage

I don't think he is asking to change his top image, he is asking for a banner to advertise his site I think.