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  1. tschumann

    CSS crashes on start-up

    What are your specs?
  2. tschumann

    Dust and smoke slow me down now.
  3. tschumann

    Dust and smoke slow me down now.

    The update increased the minimum system requirements too. The best way to fix it would probably be to upgrade your hardware.
  4. tschumann

    Menu Background Map in HL2MP

    Are you trying to make a background map that players can connect into?
  5. tschumann

    Sound files?

    source sounds.gcf has Half-Life 2's sounds (in hl2\sounds\). episode 1 shared.gcf has Episode One's sounds (in episodic\sounds\). episode two content.gcf has Episode Two's sounds (in ep2\sounds\).
  6. tschumann

    Half-Life 2: Lighting problem

    Try setting mat_fullbright to 0.
  7. tschumann

    I need some help with sound files.

    I don't think you can change the sounds for Portal. Someone tried to do it a little while back but couldn't get it to work no matter what they tried.
  8. tschumann

    Surprise! Portal 2 Coming to Playstation 3

    "And if you have a story you'd like us to follow up, just give us a call or send us an email."
  9. tschumann

    Help with TF2 Bomb in Map?

    I'm not sure, but maybe use some of filter_ entity that triggers an explosion when it detects the bomb.
  10. tschumann

    New Hack Site

    Maybe you should report it to Steam Support.
  11. tschumann

    Portal 2 Gameplay With New Paint Mechanics

    And that's just the singleplayer.
  12. tschumann

    Portal 2 Gameplay With New Paint Mechanics

    I hope they're right about it not being much harder; that gameplay video makes it looks pretty intense. In any case, the new additions look like a lot of fun.
  13. tschumann

    Help with TF2 Bomb in Map?

    I'm not sure, but don't .mdl files have a mass associated with them? Maybe you could increase this somehow and see if it falls faster.
  14. tschumann

    Surprise! Portal 2 Coming to Playstation 3

    Very impressive.
  15. tschumann

    'Valve Corporation'

    I wonder why there's no mention of Deathmatch Classic.
  16. tschumann

    Modding Nublet Question

    I think you can get the .obj file to compile without any conversions, but I'm not 100% sure. To be sure, you'd need a modelling program with an .smd exporter (3DS Max, Softimage XSI and maybe Maya).
  17. tschumann

    HL2 E2 Menu problems

    Maybe see if there's any advice on the Steam Support site.
  18. tschumann

    HL2 E2 Menu problems

    What do you mean the menu won't show? The main menu text or background map?
  19. tschumann

    Does anyone know how to open a Co-op half-life 2 deathmatch server?

    You probably need to restart the server before it has any effect.
  20. tschumann

    Does anyone know how to open a Co-op half-life 2 deathmatch server?

    I think you need to set mp_teamplay to 1