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  1. tschumann

    What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

    Never really thought about it, but tenacious and willing to do anything I suppose.
  2. tschumann

    Games you wish were more successful

    Gunman Chronicles.
  3. tschumann

    Source SDK

    What do you mean by record? If you want to record something in-game you don't use the Source SDK for that.
  4. tschumann

    deleted Hl2 prefab.

    Refresh the SDK. That should reset all of the Source SDK's files that are in sourcesdk and sourcesdk_content
  5. tschumann

    i need help with tf2 and hammer

    What happens when you try to run it? Do you get an error message?
  6. tschumann

    [GENERAL] (HL2) - Get a texture

    They're most likely in source materials.gcf
  7. tschumann

    Metallic texture for my model?

    I think it should look okay just as long as you use the right shader in your .vmt (VertexLitGeneric is the usual for models), but as Stormy says, you can play with some of the shader settings if you want (details about VertexLitGeneric shader parameters here...
  8. tschumann

    Compiling Errors

    If you want to use the std::string from the <string> header you need to use std::string, not string (you can use string if you are using namespace std; though). You should probably break; after each case, and flagEntityId isn't defined anywhere.
  9. tschumann

    Metallic texture for my model?

    I don't think it's either. For Source I think you need to make a texture that looks metallic.
  10. tschumann

    Tutorial: Working with NPCs in DM

    I don't think there's any way to get npc_zombie to work properly in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. I'm not sure about the others though.
  11. tschumann

    Question about GCFs

    I've seen lists of .gcf files used by games, but I can't remember where. You could try doing a Steam back-up and see if it tells you what .gcf files it's backing up for each game.
  12. tschumann

    How do you create a pointfile?

    Does your map have a leak? I thought pointfiles were automatically generated by the compile tools when there's a leak.
  13. tschumann

    Adding GMod9 L4D models help

    These models won't work in Garry's Mod 9 because they're a newer .mdl version. You could open each .mdl individually and change the 5th byte from 0x30 to 0x2C, but that could be a lot of work, and they probably won't work properly (no jigglebones for example).
  14. tschumann

    Upside Down Skybox

    I meant rotate the bk, ft, lt and rt textures and swap the the up and dn textures.
  15. tschumann

    Hammer doesn't compile

    Hopefully this should cover it: The link to Zoner's Half-Life Tools is dead though, but you can get them here:
  16. tschumann

    Upside Down Skybox

    You could replace the texture with something more appropriate, or you could rotate the skybox side textures and swap the top and bottom textures.
  17. tschumann

    Hammer doesn't compile

    Did you configure Hammer to point to the compile tools?
  18. tschumann

    Very Simple Question

    You need to make a mod to do this. weapon_shotgun.cpp is probably what you need to edit.
  19. tschumann

    How did you buy L4D2?

    Steam, because I think it was cheaper.
  20. tschumann

    Soldier Wins the War - TF2 Update Now Live

    The addition of bots is interesting. Still waiting for the blog post about it though.