nice try bud, but nothin more needs saying:
wont find it here
wait longer, it isnt released yet
doubt you can play hl2
ps: its half-life 2, not half-live
yes, i totally agree, hl1 was annoying trying to walk by a ledge and looking down to see a small round shoadow that i guess represented where your feet were.
the shadows idea for the enemy seeing it is a great one
i think it will start awesome and then have a badass ending!
most likely it will start in a prison or somewhere resembling one, mos tlikely off the coast where you will need to use a boat to head to land.
they talk, look, and act human...yet that big black thing (citadel) is eating through city 17 and the combine are working for it...i think its ****ing awesome that we dont even know if the bad guys are alien or human yet
if you wanna work for valve just make excellent cheats, then theyll hire you so you can work on making things un-cheatable!
errr wait thats been taken already...get extremely lucky instead
max payne 2 lucked out with D3 and hl2 being pushed back...probably really helped the sales. i couldnt get into the first one, but maybe ill end up playing this one at some like to just mess around with the demo whenever its released