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  1. SirMcNugget

    Half Life 2 to be shown in Toyko 9/26

    Japan is the most racist country on earth in case you didnt know. I mean they are really bad about it.
  2. SirMcNugget

    Halflife 2 AGP x8 question

    Dont forget the 9500 pro and 9700 pro, both great cards. The 9500 is actually faster than the 9600 due to the 8 pipelines which gives it a much better fill rate. The 9600 runs at a higher clock speed however and has some other optimizations. If you can find a 9500 pro thats another good choice...
  3. SirMcNugget

    My Release Date Question to Best Buy

    I worked at Best Buy, no one tells us release dates except for when we get stuff early and its marked "Do Not Release until 9/30/2003". We would not acknowledge having something that said that. Also its not like there’s some big magic list of release dates, we get things drop shipped directly...
  4. SirMcNugget

    A Tip for members of this board

    which is why if you draw a sword with the pen it is the best thing ever.
  5. SirMcNugget

    Spitcodfry's trip to valve

    You look like you are closely related to Erik. I smell a conspiracy! hehe nah but you do, and i wish I lived in WA. :(
  6. SirMcNugget

    What video card to buy?

    Yeah its cheap yet has all the effects and nice speed. Its like a Geforce 4 Ti4200 for the new era of games. Supposedly it is significantly overclockable due to the .13 process. Depends on memory and make and stuff to though. Ya... anyways since you seem to have the cash 9800XT is going to be...
  7. SirMcNugget

    A Tip for members of this board

    Brought to you with the help of SA. Use Swords: Want to get the edge on a conversation? You can, quite literally, with the age-old technique of ASCII swords. Don't think they're outdated, though. Swords are primed for a huge comeback, due largely in part to the fear associated with guns. In...
  8. SirMcNugget

    Direct X 8 shaders vs Direct X 9 shaders images

    NPRs will look alot better with DX9 I believe, Cause of some kind of new fangled video doohicky. I bought a 9600Pro to replace my Ti4200 because honestly cool effects are more important to me then raw performace/resolution etc. I like to see shiny glowy awesome things.
  9. SirMcNugget

    Ther perfect plan - Now I can afford an upgrade

    I 'get' people things. I make lots of money. Enough said.
  10. SirMcNugget

    HL1 Ending

    with science and black magic
  11. SirMcNugget

    Remember all of the HL1 bullshit threads back in the day....?

    I dont remember scavanging any keys or codes. :)
  12. SirMcNugget


    Yay, I got a logitech dual action controller to play roms and it also happens to be perfect for flying the choppers, even better then my joystick which was decent.
  13. SirMcNugget

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    There are 2-3 places id rather be in. :zing:
  14. SirMcNugget

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Oh ya, and to whoever was talking about the CA recall election, only in America could a German weightlifting immigrant suddenly become an iconic millionaire and run for governor of a state where illegal citizens can get drivers licenses and anyone can become wealthy.
  15. SirMcNugget

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    Hey! Three pro american posts in a row, I didnt think that could happen on these boards. But ya preach it peoplesuc. :)
  16. SirMcNugget

    Help Needed From Americans!!!

    Its called Capitalism, people that are smart enough to advance are totally covered and protected in every aspect, and get the best of care. Those who are unable to compete get the minimum care. There are federal progams for the poor to provide coverage so almost everyone in america can get the...
  17. SirMcNugget

    Makes you think, damn US goverment *Graphic material included*

    OH NO!!! That disgusts me, therefore US is sooooo bad. You know what, spiders disgust me to but they aren’t evil. Learn the fact that people die and its disturbing, and sometimes non pitiful countries like America have to make them do so in order to stop them from potentially doing likewise to...
  18. SirMcNugget

    Best multiplayer weapon ever?

    GoldenGun- In Goldeneye.
  19. SirMcNugget

    Nvidia PCI-X in the works

    We had Macs at my school, and that’s why I will forever hate them. I swear I don’t think I worked on one thing on them without a catastrophic crash. I lost so many hours of work on those things.... So slow to. Granted most of the problems were based on the schools shitty network stuff, but I...
  20. SirMcNugget

    Last game you were this excited about...

    Zelda:Wind Waker.