I like to learn from those who are better then myself. I did that from memory, though you are right its based on the phongs eplastic tutorial and I also threw in the dot effect there. I think using the effects of others is a great way to add to your arsenal of potential skills. PS I have done...
Another neat blue wallpaper for people who enjoy the nice clean look. Just for the record I dont care what anyone does with anything I make. Do whatever you like, submit it places, say its yours I really dont care I make things because I think its a good thing to do...
I was learning some new fun Photoshop techniques and so I made this.
also here is an older one I made.
and finally slightly off topic but a Samurai Jack wallpaper for anyone who thinks that show is...
Thats cool. Yay for HL2files.com I really like BF1942files.com and AAfiles.com, are you associated with them as well? Im just making this for fun and because sometimes its hard to get good wallpapers. Plus HL2 wallpapers isnt really the focus of the site, but Id like to have some.
PS. I know...
I am making a new website for really cool wallpapers, from others and my own designs. If you are someone who has some good wallpapers you made but no where to show them off post them, or links to them, in this thread as well as any information or credit you want displayed with your work. Here...
http://www.deviantart.com has alot of amazing wallpaper. Too many to mention. The theme is called L33T and its for Windows Blinds and you can find that on http://www.wincustomize.com/ and http://www.objectdesktop.com.
I care if its delayed cause the current release date is a week after I go to college with amazing network and a ton of free time. I think HL2 would get me off to a good start. P.S. I know its not im just saying that I enjoy the current timing.
Ya anti-aitcraft fire would slow down video production. They have to take out of the way routes to fly the G-Man in for filming and stuff. Also what is this FSAA, "From Surface Anti Air" fire probably. Hmm interesting, I dont see how that would make the graphics better though.
I have a 80 gig HD but no matter how many songs I rip from my cds,photoshop files I make, full length movies I put put on it, or games I install it always stays at almost exactly 67% full. I think its magic.
PS. Its not cause of windows misreporting it or something Its cause I move things to...