Blue Plastic Lambda


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Another neat blue wallpaper for people who enjoy the nice clean look. Just for the record I dont care what anyone does with anything I make. Do whatever you like, submit it places, say its yours I really dont care I make things because I think its a good thing to do.
Looking nice. One suggestion, try to get away from all the tuts and try to experiment and develop your won techniques to create cool stuff. it really helps to make you less dependant from tutorials.
I like to learn from those who are better then myself. I did that from memory, though you are right its based on the phongs eplastic tutorial and I also threw in the dot effect there. I think using the effects of others is a great way to add to your arsenal of potential skills. PS I have done 1000s of photoshop jobs and just because the ones im doing right now are pretty close replications of effects in a tutorial dosent mean they all are. Besides Im a business major I dont expect to be a Graphic arts god.