I don't miss grenades that much either, but i wouldn't mind if they find a way adding it again if they kept it reasonable, like 2 grenades max, and they just do damage in various ways, no puking, conc jumping or whatever.
I think it's a bug, had the exact same problem it was at 6/9, i tried the 3 classes i knew i hadn't tried, but none of them gave a point, then i tried all the other ones as well and i still didn't get a point.
Then i restarted the game and was back to 2/9, but it worked fine to get 9/9 then.
In my opinion the spy is the most annoying to deal with, he can be invisble for quite some time and he can severely spam that sapper charge device making it almost impossible to keep anything up.
I'm a bit surprised that they're not making an official benchmark for Quad-Core vs. Dual-Core and Single-Core. I sent him a mail a while back asking if they would be making one but he never answered.
I guess he thought i meant the leaked version and ignored me :P
Because i only asked for TF2, and not the Orange Box.
They already said they're going to take up the fight against Microsoft with thier gamertags and what not, no reason to do it halfassed.
And i think it'll be the same ones as the Xbox ones, perhaps they might want to alter some depending...